They sit down to dine;
Stomach roils with foreboding.
Relief! He said no.
Perfunctory gifts,
Identical squeals of joy.
One down; two to go.
Gaily papered box!
Wide slot invites drifts of cards.
...did it rattle? No.
She watched from afar,
caught up in yearning dreams.
Later? Brought to trial.
She won't go away!
Fantasies of blood arise.
Turandot was right.
Slow licks and snuggles...
...rolling around; one wrong move.
RAR! FFFFFT! HISS! Cat fight!
Go through the motions.
Fulfill all expectations.
Thirty years. Oh joy.
Holding hands at lunch.
After, she eyed another.
Our love is dead! Woe!
Constant proposals;
objections ignored with glee.
My desires come first!
A screen of pop-ups,
spam, and chronic browser lag.
Ew! Sticky keyboard!
She clings to his arm;
the old platitude, made truth.
Her eyes? In his vault.
Smile! Laugh! Be yourself!
Insipid platitudes, all.
"Schweddy Balls", by pints.
Grand gestures at home;
his oblivion brings grief.
So much for romance!
Half-hearted efforts,
unnecessary panic.
V-Day again? Yep.
Hey, it's a DW post. Feel free to comment here or there as you like.