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Comments 117

vicodincrutch April 16 2009, 03:07:17 UTC
There could be a Doctor House reading this transmission. Whether or not he's interested in speaking or having midgets forward his messages, ah, too many issues.



1/2 innovatorgps April 16 2009, 03:12:33 UTC
She did warn me.


innovatorgps April 16 2009, 03:13:03 UTC
When I asked about employment, Eden recommended I speak to you, considering my medical training.


vicodincrutch April 16 2009, 03:24:39 UTC
Considering? This isn't Milton Bradley's The Operation Institute where you think over if you want to do it or not. You do or you don't as far as doctoring goes. Are you looking to learn how to open a bottle of aspirin and apply band aids, that's different.


favoritetraitor April 16 2009, 03:43:09 UTC
Ah yes. Thank you.

I've had a chance to look over your resume. Quite impressive... I believe we could find a position for you within our company if you are still interested?


innovatorgps April 16 2009, 03:47:14 UTC
Thank you very much, Mister Goldsmith. I have some other venues I promised look in to, so I will- but I appreciate your offer.


favoritetraitor April 16 2009, 03:57:07 UTC
Of course, please take your time. Let me know when you've made a decision.


innovatorgps April 16 2009, 04:12:34 UTC
Thank you.


celestial being // unhackable haroicsacrifice April 16 2009, 04:12:17 UTC
I'll vouch for you to him. I might not have met you back in our world, but I'm confident that you're not the enemy.


celestial being // unhackable 1/2 innovatorgps April 16 2009, 04:15:44 UTC
celestial being // unhackable innovatorgps April 16 2009, 04:16:46 UTC
Thank you, Neil. It's a bit disconcerting to be greeted like that. It's expected, with him not knowing me, but.

Just a bit more used to being known.


celestial being // unhackable haroicsacrifice April 16 2009, 04:18:52 UTC
It's all right. I'm still not used to my brother being five years older than me.

I'll make sure he knows about Lyle, too.


celestial being no he did not hack filter || unhackable worthier April 17 2009, 01:11:35 UTC

Anew Returner.


celestial being || unhackable innovatorgps April 17 2009, 01:12:45 UTC
Tieria Erde.


celestial being || unhackable worthier April 17 2009, 01:22:51 UTC
Make an effort to adhere to the proper code names, from now on.


celestial being || unhackable innovatorgps April 17 2009, 01:25:47 UTC
How do you wish I proceed when there's two Lockon Stratos, then?


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