logged RP chat

Jul 02, 2007 02:22

Who: Dr. Cox, Carla, Dan, Janitor
Where: the... magical... random... chat place. >>;
When: I give up. XP

Carla says:
Hey, do enough smooth talking...
Carla says:
And I might forget your crazy eyes...
Perry says:
Carla, Carla
Perry says:
Perry says:
admit it. You like the flirting
Carla says:
Of course I do. I deserve no less.
Janitor says:
*whistles innocently, fingering a camera* Wonder how much they'd pay for pictures not to get back to bald doctor >_>
Carla says:
Oh, don't start with me.
Carla says:
I will tower under you, and you shall be afraid.
Dan says:
I'd listen to her, Frankenstein. I think she could kick your ass.
Perry says:
You go right on and snap some choice moments, Jumpsuit. Hell, I'll hand 'em to Ghandi myself. Speed the whole process up a bit.
Carla says:
Carla says:
We do this the old fashioned way.
Dan says:
There's an old fashioned way of doing this?
Janitor says:
Janitor says:
I'm... intrigued
Perry says:
Dinner and a movie behind your boyfriend's back, and then sex while he's at work?
Dan says:
Ooh, you made Frankenstein go all bug eyed.
Carla says:
I'm classier than that!
Dan says:
I'm impressed.
Perry says:
Hm. Expensive dinner and an opera?
Carla says:
We already did that
Carla says:
and I still maintain that red peppers and anchovies do NOT go on pizza
Perry says:
sure they don't, if you're boring.
Carla says:
And you wonder why I stay with Turk.
Janitor says:
Ouch. She's got ya there, Cox
Perry says:
Perry says:
are you insinuating that I'm not worth dating because I'm too adventurous with PIZZA TOPPINGS?
Carla says:
I just think it might be a symptom of future relationship issues
Dan says:
Ooh, tough luck, Coxie.
Dan says:
I'm a red pepper fan myself; I feel your pain, chief.
Perry says:
Dan says:
Janitor says:
You three are missing out on the wonders that pineapple can bring to a pizza.
Carla says:
We'll have to compromise if this relationship is ever going to work
Janitor says:
And the only time anchovies should ever touch a pizza is if it's a seafood pizza
Perry says:
*intrigued* So you're saying that we're in a relationship
Carla says:
A quasi-romantical one, yes
Carla says:
But you're not on the boat yet.
Dan says:
If I wanted pineapple on my pizza, I'd don a grass skirt and fly to honolulu. I'd have pineapple with every meal on the sandy beaches with a coconut breasted woman.
Janitor says:
Ball served to Crazy Latina Nurse
Janitor says:
And ball returned to Angry Bastard Doctor...
Perry says:
*smirks* I'm the king of compromise, baby.
Dan says:
Not the case though, so... just say no to fruit on pizza.
Dan says:
Woah, didn't see THIS coming. Christopher's not gonna like it.
Janitor says:
Aw, you're missing the subtle textures and flavors it offers! For shame, you should always try new things.
Carla says:
Okay, so what would you order on "our" hypothetical pizza?
Carla says:
And Dan, if this gets back to Turk, I will make you hurt.
Dan says:
I try new things when they come with big breasted women.
Janitor says:
I'm hoping this pizza isn't going to be hypothetical for long
Carla says:
You do not want to mess with me *sassy head bob*
Perry says:
Our hypothetical pizza? This is a new level of stupid, I have to say, but here goes. "Whatever you want on it." How's that?
Dan says:
I fear the angry latina woman!! My lips are sealed. For now.
Carla says:
Janitor says:
Smart man, Scooter Senior. Smart man.
Dan says:
I'm taking lessons from you Frankenstein. She's the one person to fear in this place.
Carla says:
Right answer... but it's not stupid!
Carla says:
What if we had children?
Dan says:
Perry says:
Janitor says:
*nods* Under my tutelage, you shall grow great
Carla says:
How can we raise children together, if we can't agree on a pizza and you call it stupid!
Janitor says:
wait, WHAT?
Dan says:
Well, then, I think Frankenstein and I are in for quite the show.
Janitor says:
*flops onto a couch* popcorn?
Dan says:
Oh, yes
Dan says:
I've got the beer!
Janitor says:
As long as I don't have to mop up any of your drunken spills, I'm happy
Dan says:
Hey, I don't have drunken spills... or I haven't since last week.
Perry says:
Oh my god. Carla, come back to the land of sanity! Come back! Look, we have a place made up for you and everything. Its so much nicer than the land of crazy you've been sucked into!
Carla says:
Oooh, so now I'm crazy, am I?
Dan says:
Hmm, he hit her with a crazy remark. That's a nice blow.
Janitor says:
So when do you expect they'll pull out the ninja swords and go at it? *opens a beer*
Dan says:
*chomping on popcorn*
Dan says:
Hopefully soon. I hate sappy chick flick fights. Gotta get some action in there.
Janitor says:
This feels a little like Mystery Science Theater 3000. But which one of us is the human and which is that weird robot?
Carla says:
So, what if the playoffs were going on, and I asked you to go with me to see the latest Julia Roberts film? Who do you go with?
Perry says:
Yes! Yes you are! You're comparing pizza toppings to hypothetical children that you've decided I can't raise.
Dan says:
You're the robot. Your head is more square than mine, Frankenstein, it just fits.
Perry says:
*narrows eyes* the playoffs!
Carla says:
Turk would go to the movie with me.
Perry says:
That's because Newbie would be sitting right there between you two.
Dan says:
Janitor says:
I guess, but shouldn't I be the taller one, which in this case is the human?
Carla says:
Dan says:
I don't know about that.
Dan says:
Maybe we could be part human, part robot. Y'know all the joys of human, but with neat robotic arms or something.
Carla says:
Okay, what if the shoe were on the other foot.
Dan says:
Shoe on the other... what? It's like this has become a foreign movie. I swear I don't understand women.
Carla says:
What if Jordan came in here right now, in her sluttiest outfit
Carla says:
And offered to take you back and have her nasty way with you
Janitor says:
I understand them when they're not freaking out like this.
Carla says:
Would you really stay with me.
Carla says:
Or go back to her like you usually do
Perry says:
Janitor says:
Ooooooo, time for the 'tough questions' period of the hour
Dan says:
Mmm.... *imagines Jordan who he's never met so pretty much he imagines a porn star in a slutty outfit*
Perry says:
I would stay!
Dan says:
Yeah, tough questions, Coxaroonie.
Carla says:
Uh huh... is that what you told the nurse in radiology
Janitor says:
*shudders* All I see is scary She-Witch in a dominatrix outfit... definitely didn't need that
Perry says:
v___v yes.
Carla says:
Dan says:
*opens a beer and slurps it down*
Perry says:
remind me again why I tell you anything that goes on in my personal life?
Janitor says:
Because she's the only one that will listen *smirks*
Carla says:
Because we're friends, jackass! *shoulder push*
Dan says:
Because she's frightening?
Dan says:
Oh right, friends answer. Shoulda known that one.
Perry says:
Janitor says:
Yes, but very good answers from the rest of the peanut gallery
Dan says:
HEY! You're breaking the third wall... or whatever.
Dan says:
Go back to your fight, Coxie, and we'll go back to MSTing your asses.
Dan says:
Perry says:
Carla says:
You think this is funny, couch jockey?
Janitor says:
Hah! Except we are technically in the same universe and are just sitting in a corner watching them fight...
Dan says:
HEY! You too, third wall breaking!
Janitor says:
Hide behind the fourth wall!
Dan says:
And I don't jock couchs, I tend bars, scary lady.
Dan says:
I can't get away, she's already sucked me in. Damnit, Frankenstein, get away while you still can!!
Janitor says:
What would that be like? *imagines jockeys riding couches around a track like racehorses*
Carla says:
Ooohh... I'm making Turk and JD Bean burritos and then giving them the whole first season of Sanford and Son, to watch on your "bed"
Janitor says:
Damnit, she's sucked me in too X_x
Dan says:
Dan says:
That could potentially KILL me.
Dan says:
Christopher has toxic gas.
Dan says:
especially when mixed with beens and Sanford & Son.
Janitor says:
Hah! The advantages of none of you people knowing where I live have become clear
Dan says:
But we do know where you work.
Carla says:
And your van
Perry says:
*quietly nurses his ego in the corner*
Janitor says:
Carla says:
I'll deal with you two later...
Carla says:
*goes after Perry*
Janitor says:
I'll have to send the squirrels to distract you
Janitor says:
Janitor says:
This is going to be ugly
Dan says:
Saved by the Cox.
Carla says:
See! This is why we don't work! Our crazies aren't compatible
Dan says:
Gee, never thought I'd get to say that. Ever.
Dan says:
She makes a good point. *back to drinking beer*
Perry says:
Since when has that ever stopped me? My crazy isn't compatible with ANYONE.
Janitor says:
*nods* Got a point there.
Janitor says:
Cox's crazy is like some weird blood type, like AB
Dan says:
I don't know. Don't he and Johnny make a good.. uh, doctor team or whatever? There's gotta be some crazy compatible-ness there, right?
Perry says:
Dan says:
Carla says:
Perry says:
Dan, you definately do not get to talk anymore.
Janitor says:
Ah, Cox feels bad because Scooter Senior makes more sense than he does at the moment.
Carla says:
Okay... let's say for some crazy reason I decide to go out on another date with you
Perry says:
I'm listening
Janitor says:
And I don't think science has yet concieved how to study Scooter's relationship with Angry Bastard Doctor.
Carla says:
If I still feel that this isn't going to work, will you agree that we make better friends than lovers?
Dan says:
I'm so not scared of you, big chief.
Perry says:
Are you going to give me an actual chance?
Carla says:
Janitor says:
There ya go Senior, don't let his scary bull-like anger scare ya! Be the matador!
Carla says:
But I have to get Turk's permission first.
Perry says:
All right then.
Perry says:
*jumps at Dan* BOO.
Dan says:
*startles* Okay, no fair, I wasn't scared of you.. I was just.. surprised.
Janitor says:
Be the matador, not his cape. X_x
Perry says:
Nice try, cowboy.
Dan says:
Don't make me start bringing up the compatbility between you and my brother again.
Dan says:
The crazy compatbility, because I will.
Perry says:
Janitor says:
Eh, at least you have more potential than the younger one.
Perry says:
I am not, and never will be, compatible with Newbie.
Janitor says:
Watch out Coxy, I think he has charts.
Perry says:
Say it with me now
Carla says:
Bambi has plenty of potential
Janitor says:
Not for what I have in mind
Carla says:
Carla says:
I don't want to know
Perry says:
Now if that doesn't conjure up the most disturbing images.
Janitor says:
*thumbs up* smart woman
Janitor says:
Oh jeez, not that you idiots!
Carla says:
You said it
Carla says:
Not us
Perry says:
Janitor says:
Since when was the idea of our "compadability" mentioned by me?
Carla says:
And you are so compatible with Bambi, Perry
Perry says:
I am not!
Dan says:
Yep, I knew it.
Carla says:
Are too!
Dan says:
And I haven't been here long.
Janitor says:
All the cool kids are saying it
Perry says:
Sure, we're compatible in the fact that I like to hit things and he's a born punching bag, but that's where it ends.
Janitor says:
You see! You're perfect!
Perry says:
Carla says:
He follows you around like a puppy, and YOU like it
Dan says:
You wish that was where it ended.
Perry says:
I do not!
Janitor says:
Though in that case, I would be perfect in the same way X_x *is not going there*
Perry says:
Carla says:
*high girly JD impersonation* Dr. Cox!
Carla says:
Dr. Cox! What about this?
Perry says:
Oh, danger.
Janitor says:
*cracks up*
Dan says:
It's all I ever heard from him on the phone, Cox this, Cox that.
Perry says:
Janitor says:
Danger Will Robinson! Danger!
Dan says:
Took me a long time to figure out Cox was actually your last name.
Janitor says:
*snort* Always is the case
Perry says:
*covers his ears* Good God, its never going to end!
Dan says:
Over the phone and all, it's not easy to hear the difference.
Janitor says:
*pats Cox on the back* Nope, never will.
Dan says:
Hey, look, I don't want to admit it any more than you do. Cause if there were anything going on between the two of you, I'd have to screw you. It's kind of tradition.
Carla says:
I thought that was Turk's job?
Perry says:
*brows shoot up* WHAT?
Carla says:
Janitor says:
That brought up the most disturbing mental images I've had all evening
Dan says:
*smirks* Then my job here is complete. *bows*
Janitor says:
Eh, at least I got a new drinking partner out of all of this *tosses Dan another beer*
Carla says:
*smacks Dan over the back of the head* Not cool.
Dan says:
Yay, beer! *grabs it and drinks*
Dan says:
*spits the beer out all over*
Dan says:
Damn, woman, you hit hard.
Perry says:
Perry says:
now you see why I like her. *makes eyes at Carla*
Dan says:
*rolls eyes and drinks away, throwing a towel down on spitted beer*
Dan says:
Cause she's scary beyond all belief?
Dan says:
Carla says:
Oh, you like it like that?
Janitor says:
Oh crap
Perry says:
Hell yeah
Janitor says:
Do not need to see Crazy Latina Nurse in the domanatrix outfit
Dan says:
Is this going to turn into a porno?
Perry says:
You'd enjoy that too much
Dan says:
*drinks more beer* I'm gonna need to get a lot drunker...
Janitor says:
Cause that inevitably leads to Jordan in the outfit, which leads to them making out, which leads.... heh, maybe it's not so bad after all
Carla says:
Yeahhh... not. gonna. happen.
Perry says:
*face falls*
Carla says:
Although I'm sure Jordan's up for it, if you're into that.
Janitor says:
I think I just killed Coxy's happy fantasies
Janitor says:
Well that was always apparent
Dan says:
Poor Coxie.
Perry says:
Hey! If I wanted to sleep with my ex wife, I'd just blow the horn they installed on the roof.
Carla says:
Then why don't you?
Dan says:
There's a horn? >>
Janitor says:
Down boy, down.
Perry says:
Because I don't want to!
Carla says:
Oh, honey, she'd eat you...
Dan says:
Janitor says:
She'd use your bones for toothpicks
Janitor says:
Which makes me wonder why The Todd is still alive...
Carla says:
Just testing you
Janitor says:
And where the hell he is *looks around* Ususally he'd be in the corner, all happy by now
Perry says:
Hell if I know.
Janitor says:
Glad you're finally admitting that you don't know everything. Shock to the rest of us mortals.
Perry says:
*gives him a funny look* What, can't find your whipping boy so you're gonna take it out on me, Jumpsuit?
Carla says:
Yeah, only Jordan's allowed to do that
Perry says:
Perry says:
I mean, no!
Perry says:
Carla says:
Ooohh, that's so a point deduction
Perry says:
That was unfair and you know it.
Janitor says:
Carla says:
Because I exploited your subconcious?
Janitor says:
I applaud you, Crazy nurse
Perry says:
Janitor says:
When my squirrel army takes over the world, you can rule a continent or something
Perry says:
You aren't allowed into my subconscious, so stay the hell out.
Janitor says:
And Cox can be your manservant if you'd like *winks*
Carla says:
I am when you let it "slip"
Perry says:
Carla says:
Fine... for the cute puppy look, I'll give you back the points
Carla says:
But don't expect me to be so benevolent in the future
Perry says:
Thank you. And for the record, that was so not a 'cute puppy look'. I don't have cute puppy looks. All my looks are aggressive and manly.
Carla says:
Uh huh... what exactly are you compensating for again?
Janitor says:
You know what they say about doctors and their stethescopes...
Janitor says:
stethescope length, that is
Perry says:
a friendly and approachable personality?
Carla says:
Kinda like what they say about janitors and the width of their mop handles?
Janitor says:
Hey, do not insult our mops. We've got a code, damnit!
Perry says:
ooohh, ouch. *shakes head* you're a force to be reckoned with, Carla.
Carla says:
I wasn't insulting the mop. It's got nice girth... for a mop
Janitor says:
Indeed. And what they say about the mop's owner? So true *grins and winks*
Carla says:
Janitor says:
*smiles* You really kinda walked into that one
Carla says:
And now I'm walking away...
Janitor says:
Hey, at least I'm not the one overcompensating *nods towards Perry*
Carla says:
No.... you've got your own special issues... overcompensating isn't one of them... at least not a major one
Janitor says:
Awww, you called me special. I feel so loved
Carla says:
So, where are we going on our hypothetical date?
Janitor says:
Can we still make that hypothetical pizza non-hypothetical?
Perry says:
Someplace spendy, I'm guessing. You let me take care of the details, you work on the lie you'll eventually be telling Ghandi about where you're going to be all night
Carla says:
Oh, I'm not going to lie.
Carla says:
*makes a check mark in a pocket notebook*
Perry says:
*furrows brow*
Carla says:
You have no clue about why you got that mark, do you?
Janitor says:
Jeez, even I could do a better job at this Coxy
Perry says:
Because I called you a liar?
Carla says:
Like how you do your real job?
Carla says:
Janitor says:
Hey, would you like to mop up everybody's shit all day? I'd rather join the gaggle of gossips every morning than wash windows
Perry says:
Because I didn't already have a big fancy hypothetical date in my head so you could overanalyze every aspect of it before we even had the chance to go on it?
Carla says:
Ooh, don't you dare disrespect my job. If you think I've got it so easy, why don't you go to nightschool and become a nurse too?
Carla says:
And NO!
Janitor says:
Because my dear, I've got places to be *mumbles quietly* Like acting classes so I can finally get somewhere
Perry says:
Maybe you can enlighten me, then.
Carla says:
Janitor says:
Oooo, let me operate the check book, please?
Perry says:
I'm plenty honest!
Janitor says:
uh huh
Carla says:
Only when you're being insulting
Perry says:
I was being honest when I complimented your hair.
Carla says:
How could you ever trust me in a relationship if I did to Turk what Jordan did to you
Carla says:
And thank you
Janitor says:
Not easy to argue with that
Perry says:
*tries to respond* *gives up and just grunts* Fine. But Jordan and I had a lot more problems than that.
Janitor says:
Is it me or should you two be going to a couple's counseling session?
Carla says:
Where's Dan? He's been awfully quiet...

Janitor has left the conversation.

Perry says:
He probably saw some girl and went to go try and have her file a restraining order against him.
Carla says:
That's going to be awkward
Perry says:
Such is the life of a Dorian, I suspect. *shakes his head*
Carla says:
I wonder if it's genetic or something that was nutured...
Perry says:
I really couldn't care less.
Perry says:
So tell me what kind of wining and dining you have your heart set on.
Carla says:
Ooooh no, that's all you. You're going to have to decide all on your own. You should know what I like.
Perry says:
Hm. So a hockey game followed by drinks at the bar is out of the question.
Carla says:
*cocks eyebrow sassily and reaches for the notebook*
Perry says:
hey! Give me that! *grabs for it*
Carla says:
Perry says:
You had better leave that damned thing at home when I take you out!
Carla says:
Oh this *waves notebook* just for show
Carla says:
I got it all in my head
Perry says:
Carla says:
Perry says:
*sighs in defeat* Don't deny that you love to torture me like this.
Carla says:
Only because you're so cute when you're frustrated
Perry says:
fair enough. That's all the foreplay I need, I don't know about you. *smirks*
Carla says:
Still not going to happen.
Perry says:
Oh come on!
Carla says:
What, you think that you're such hot stuff that I'll put out for you on our first date?
Perry says:
Well, yeah, kinda.
Carla says:
Ooooh that's worth like, five check marks right there
Perry says:
What, being sexually attracted to you? That's a bad thing now?
Carla says:
Thinking I put out!
Carla says:
Gah! You and Turk are so much alike
Perry says:
Don't go grouping me with that scaple jock. I have much better credentials, for one, and for another, I don't come pre-packed with a not-so-hetero-lifemate.
Carla says:
Are you sure? Because Bambi seems pretty stuck on you...
Perry says:
Why is everyone so stuck on the idea that I want to take Newbie in a manly way? Huh? Just because he's obsessed with being my protege doesn't mean I, in any way, return the feeling!
Carla says:
Then why haven't you scared him off for good then? Surely even you could get rid of a "little girl"
Perry says:
Because he's the only kid in that whole place who has it in him to be anywhere near as good of a doctor as I am.
Perry says:
And I had to get to him before Kelso sunk his claws in and turned that into something ugly.
Carla says:
You DO like him
Carla says:
You let Kelso try to get his claws into every other intern, but JD was *special* to you
Carla says:
It's sweet
Perry says:
Perry says:
Perry says:
you have it all wrong v_v
Carla says:
So you like Elliot then.... she'll be thrilled to hear that...
Perry says:
*makes a face* Barbie? God, don't make me vomit, it wasn't that long ago that I had lunch.
Carla says:
I can just see her bouncing up and down... she'd probably squeal too...
Perry says:
*looks physically ill*
Carla says:
At least she wouldn't try to hug you
Perry says:
... *considers this*
Carla says:
Of course, Bambi follows her about as much as he follows you...
Carla says:
Maybe you could have a theesome!
Perry says:
Are you really trying to make me sick? I thought it was well established that I wanted to get down and dirty with you, and not the wonder twins.
Carla says:
With Turk's permission
Perry says:
well, ideally, no. But I'll take what I can get for now.
Carla says:
Oh, you are desperate
Perry says:
I am not!
Carla says:
*in sexy voice* Really?
Perry says:
*practically spasming* Uh.
Carla says:
Well, I'm off to ask Turk...
Perry says:
*shakes his head* You play dirty! Normally I'd like that.
Carla says:
*Carla sashays off*
Perry says:
*watches her go* *sighs helplessly*
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