Unsolved Mysteries- Update!

Jan 16, 2008 00:09

The revelations keep on coming.

Today the brother got a call from the girlfriend.

Brother tells me that she just woke up today, saw her cellphone lying next to her on the nightstand and the first thing she thought to do was not call her parents, not call her doctors, or any of her friends, but call Brother. She had literally just woken up seconds before, and was groggy and could barely speak above a whisper. Wow, isn't she amazing? Sorry, I'm not buying it.

First of all, I highly doubt they'd leave her phone in her hospital room with her. Who's she going to call, anyway? Somebody else would have it, perhaps her friend or parents, so they could let people know that dear Shana wouldn't be available for awhile. And would she really call her long-distance internet boyfriend before her own parents? Surely she wondered where she was, and what had happened when she woke up in the hospital?

Brother confronted her about calling her parents and receiving conflicting information about her. She denies that these were her parents, because the first names are different. She has not however offered her parents' real names. She also seems to have reacted rather calmly when he asked her about it, as though it were perfectly normal for him to not believe she were really in a coma.

Then there's the fact that people with high-risk epilepsy aren't supposed to drive in Iowa, according to the DMV website. I might be tempted to think that's what the parents meant when they said "She may lose her license" but she denies that they were really her parents, so either way it doesn't fit.

The good news is that the brother is no longer in a funk and seems to be feeling a lot better. That is good indeed, I hated seeing him down about it. The bad news is he's all too willing to believe what she's telling him. I think he plans on following up on the weird unanswered questions but for now he's satisfied she's telling him the truth.

For me, the whole thing seems even more suspicious than before, if that's possible. But how do you tell somebody else that? Gah. At least if he comes down now it will be slowly rather than all at once. I guess he's the only one who can save himself.

Tune in tomorrow for the next episode! *rolleyes*
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