Title: With Love
Pairing: tackey x tsubasa
Rating: PG
Summary: emo snippet based on Takki's SCP performance of With Love;
je_prompts 047: Matter
Tsubasa used to record all of Hideaki's appearances on television and find some point to tease him about afterward (Your hair is getting too long, You tripped over your words again, Are you sure you're not going to run away and elope with Kazuko-sensei?)
Used to being the key words there - he wasn't sure if Tsubasa bothered to tape them anymore.
He didn't know much about what went on in Tsubasa's life now and to be honest, he was getting a sick feeling in his stomach that he never really knew Tsubasa all that well to begin with anyway.
But still, the possibility that Tsubasa might watch was enough for him now (and, as hard as it was to admit, there was a higher than normal chance what with Tatsumi appearing on the same show.)
And so, while always a stickler for details, he took extra care in asserting himself in the planning process for the performances: a white suit because Tsubasa had always joked about his snow white prince image, dyeing his hair brown a few days before because he had liked it better that way, the cross ring because it reminded him of them.
He told himself that he wasn't putting all this extra effort into the details for a special reason so as to comfort himself into not feeling completely pathetic.
The song too, he picked and insisted on singing live and without the distraction of backdancers. It was a song that they had started writing together during a happier time many years ago and had abandoned unfinished; midway through the second verse, Tsubasa's saucy grin as he pawed at Hideaki shamelessly underneath the kotatsu sent any pretensions of serious work out the window and they had tumbled into bed laughing. Afterward, they had spent the whole night snuggled together talking sleepily about everything and nothing.
Hideaki's chest clenched painfully at the memory. He had finally finished the song by himself earlier in the year, nervously sending the lyrics and the music sheets to Tsubasa for his approval; Tsubasa had sent word back through his manager that they were fine.
And now, Hideaki sang, pouring himself into the song that they had originally written while dreaming of the countless hearts that they would touch and praying that it would be enough to reach the one person who mattered the most to him.
Notes: If you couldn't tell, I'm feeling emo with a capital e. Oh, and it's
Takki's 2009.10.18 SCP With Love performance^^