Title: Eyes on the Prize! Pairing: tackey x tsubasa Rating: G Summary: Snippets from the takitsuba appearance on Tokyo Friend Park II (spoilers for the episode!) Note: Liberties taken with what was actually said during the episode :3
hey,ur fic really g0od ne,i love it xD.btw,i have a request,can u write for me bout triangle love between tackey,tsubasa,yamapi?its ok if the third pers0n n0t yamapi,but the main character must be tackey n tsubasa ne,love.with angst,romance,n porn XD,but if u d0nt want its ok,hehe..
Hideaki will always have the special present even without doing anything. fufufu~~~ unless tsubasa is feeling eeebil :333333
ahh, so hard to write -__________-;;; gambatte!
hmmm... i hardly ever write anything with even a hint of a love triangle; i just hate to think of someone coming between my otp <3333 if i think of something, i'll write it^^
Comments 10
i actually don't particularly like love triangles with t&t but if i think of something, i'll write it :D
I would suggest some topic, but my mind is stick in the gutter :(
As for writing, I know how you feel exactly. I want to write more toooo...
As for Idea, how about TaTsuSho?? It's been a while since I wrote and read about the 3. :p
A jealous hideaki will be nice. fufufufufu~~~
unless tsubasa is feeling eeebil :333333
ahh, so hard to write -__________-;;; gambatte!
hmmm... i hardly ever write anything with even a hint of a love triangle; i just hate to think of someone coming between my otp <3333 if i think of something, i'll write it^^
ganbarimasu on writing!!! ^ ^
Yeiyyyyy!!! Write it!!!
Sometimes it's just fun to make Hideaki jealous. hahahahaha~~~
Mattemasuuuuu~~~ ^ ^
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