Title: Birthday Wishes
Pairing: tackey x tsubasa
Rating: PG-13
Summary: In the changing room, post Tokyo Dome baseball game birthday party.
Hideaki kept his eyes trained carefully on the ground. It was easier that way - easier to not accidentally catch a glimpse of skin and easier to imagine away the rustling of clothes being taken off as something else.
He finished lacing up his boots and stood up, brushing his hands off on his pants. “You ready?” he called out cheerfully, injecting 20 more watts of brightness into his voice than he actually felt. (Distracting himself was helpful.)
He hitched his bag up more securely on his shoulder and turned around to check on Tsubasa. It should be safe. He had heard the characteristic swish of a zipper’s metal moving against metal coming from the other side of the room -
Which is why it was a shock when he found Tsubasa right next to him.
“Oh,” Hideaki said, the sound an uneasy exhalation of breath. Tsubasa was close enough that he could see himself reflected in his eyes; he didn’t like what he saw.
“Hey,” Tsubasa said softly. He reached out and pulled Hideaki forward, arms curling tightly around his back.
Hideaki yelped in surprise, feet tangled and arms stuck awkwardly in mid-air.
“Thank you,” Tsubasa murmured into Hideaki’s hair.
Hideaki forced his muscles to relax. His arms closed gingerly around Tsubasa, completing the hug. “You’re welcome,” he said, voice shaky. It's just a hug. He shut his eyes and concentrated on getting his breathing under control. He could feel Tsubasa’s heartbeat - a steady metronome ticking away serenely in contrast to his own erratic thumping.
Too late, he realized that Tsubasa had managed to slip one of his hands under his jacket. He shivered and squirmed in silent protest. Tsubasa’s hand was cold, but his breath was hot against his ear.
“Your ass looked cute in those pants,” Tsubasa whispered, his free hand dropping down to touch the very same.
Hideaki’s heart jumped into overdrive, blood rushing simultaneously to his face and crotch. He cleared his throat, the noise coming out louder than he intended. “Not nearly as good as yours,” he said quickly. He froze. He had meant for it to be a joke, but it rang too clearly with the truth.
“Silly.” Tsubasa giggled.
The sound jolted Hideaki into action. He wriggled around, attempting to break free of Tsubasa’s hold but it was to no avail. If anything, it caused Tsubasa to tighten his grip.
Ears burning bright, he let himself lean against Tsubasa again, closing his eyes and burying his face in Tsubasa’s neck. He took a deep breath. It was pointless to put up a fight against his stubborn partner.
As if to affirm his thinking, Tsubasa had shifted again, this time, holding Hideaki tightly to him by the waist. The insistent pressure of Tsubasa’s arousal was unmistakable; his cock was pressing just as eagerly back.
They stayed glued together for what seemed like forever, with just the short, shallow pants of breath coming from both of them to break the silence. Hideaki’s left arm, the one shouldering the bag, grew pleasantly numb, all his attention concentrating on memorizing the warmth of Tsubasa’s body against his.
It was Hideaki who broke the embrace. “We should get going. I can hear Makino yelling at us to hurry up.” Tsubasa’s face was flushed pink. Adorable. “After all, I shouldn’t hog the birthday boy all to myself.”
“I suppose celebratory drinks are called for today,” Tsubasa said with a small smile.
“You slush,” Hideaki said with a laugh. He tugged his shirt down self-consciously and shoved his hands in his pants pockets, willing his eyes to not stray from Tsubasa’s face. Despite his good intentions, his peripheral vision caught the telltale tenting in Tsubasa’s pants. He blushed and pretended not to notice when Tsubasa took off his jacket and draped it across his arm. “You’ll find any excuse to go drinking,” he said lightly.
Tsubasa rolled his eyes, “So says the pot.” He looked Hideaki up and down, and reaching over, popped the top button of his shirt open. “Perfect,” he said with a satisfied nod, tilting his head to study the effect.
Hideaki squeaked, his higher brain functioning grinding to a halt again as Tsubasa strutted out the door. Really, now!