Title: Takki Doesn't Get Mad, He Gets Even >:0
Pairing: tackey x tsubasa
Rating: G
Summary: Takki's relationship with the juniors is quite special indeed;
je_prompts 004: notice
Takki wasn't stupid or deaf. He could hear the whispers and muffled squeaks of terror that followed in his wake in the crowded hallways of the jimusho building. "Pedobear!" and "Beware of Takizawa-kun!" As much as it irked his sensibilities and rankled his pride, he held his head high, walked briskly and ignored them.
He knew the truth.
It wasn't that he had an untoward interest in his kouhai; for the most part, his intentions were honorable and he really did want to shepherd them through the confusing and chaotic world of stardom. Nonetheless, as they say - where there's smoke, there's fire - in doting on a select few, his motives weren't purely innocent.
It was always the ones with the slightly dazed looks in their eyes or the ones who could execute a neat turn exactly to the beat of the music.
They were drawn like moths to Tsubasa, his Tsubasa, and like an idiot, his aikata would grin and unintentionally encourage their advances. Take for example, Senga with his mop of bright orange-brown hair whose dancing was more like flailing but who always still exasperatingly managed to sidle up neatly next to Tsubasa with a fresh towel in his hand in between songs. Then there was Bun-chan whose dancing Tsubasa was constantly going on and on about after World Wing's Premium and Takki had seen the way Tsuka-chan had eyed Tsubasa's ass up like it was a delicious piece of steak.
Oh no, Takki wasn't stupid at all. In fact, he was quite clever and a man of principles, chief of which was keeping your friends close and your enemies even closer.
Hence Butoukan. (Yara was unfortunate collateral damage - well, somebody had to do the choreography for the dances and it sure as hell wasn't going to be Tsubasa - and Yamamoto was a good dancer and lent legitimacy to the group.)
But nevermind Butoukan. Under his watchful eye, Tsubasa was safe from them now and they were safe from Tsubasa. Takki growled to himself and felt just a little bit silly.
But! Tatsumi Yudai. Tatsumi this, Tatsumi that. Tsubasa was waxing lyrical about him lately. Not that he was feeling threatened about his ranking in Tsubasa's heart, mind you, but surely there was some sort of special project he could rustle up for dear Tatsumi. Takki smiled grimly.