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Jan 02, 2014 05:13

I'm far from sure on these values - heck, I'm not even sure if these values have been released given Peony is, in the end, an NPC. But they'll do for rough values until I'm hit upside the head with better ones.

Age: 36.
Height: Dwarfing most of the cast, it's a fair bet he's at least 6 foot.
Weight: Nothing out of the ordinary.
Medical Info: He's in good shape, and relatively athletic. No known problems.
Eyes: Blue.
Hair: Blond down to his back. Malkuth is hella Aryan.
Physical traits: Nothing out of the ordinary, bar the usual signs of dealing with largish animals a lot - some scuffs, scrapes, and nicks on the hands, perhaps. Wears a hideous cross between surfer dude and eastern emporer outfits. Also sandals.

What's Okay To Mention Around Him: OOC, basically anything. IC, ... well, basically anything, but if you diss his rappigs he'll get someone to cut you for him. Loudly.

Abilities: Relatively decent with weaponry - as far as mortals whose major training is 'boyhood hitting things with sticks' goes. Actually a charismatic and dependable leader when he puts his mind to it. Is never far from his 'cute little ones', whose numbers may range depending on... well... however many are needed for a given scene. They won't do anything, you understand. They'll just sorta be around.

Notes for the Psychics: Peony is surprisingly well-adjusted. There's some resentment of authority down there, and more than a little pining for a 'Nephry', but mostly he's a top-notch hume with a penchant for being ridiculous, especially if it gets people wound up.

Can I shapeshift/bodyswap/spit at/step on/etc?: Ask, and we'll sort something out.

Bodily Contact: This is the funny one. For all his messing around, Peony has at least some of the typical royal separatism, stemming both from propriety and from traumaaaa. Boils down to: roughhousing is a-okay. Peony's big, grandiose, makes a lot of gestures, and is super-used to farm animals clambering all over him so camp shouldn't be much of a shock. Actual intimacy will throw him somewhat unless it's from a select couple of people - I don't mind it occurring, possibly with a heads up, but expect a gentle and polite rebuff.

Maim/Murder/Death: Er. Ask first and have a good reason.

Cooking: Almost certainly has something of a down-to-earth understanding of bachelor-level cooking. Couldn't make a cake but could whip up a quick curry, possibly stealing ingredients from his own kitchens.

Regarding canon time: Peony comes from significantly later canon than Guy. More precisely, he comes from approx. a year after the ending, where character-wise a certain event has taken place and more importantly has not been resolved yet. This was the only way to get the character coming to camp to make sense; fortunately since I don't really want to deal with TIME PARADOXU stuff, Peony is clever enough that once he twigs what's going on he'll keep stumm.

Packratting: Peony is a self-proclaimed 'collector', which basically stands for 'picks up all manner of odds and ends and stores them, in piles, amidst the unholy junkpile and rappig sty that is wherever he is currently living'. He may, or may not, gather up Stuff as it takes his fancy, storing it away to be rooted through later. I'll figure something out.

Rappigs: Assume they're commonly around - at least a couple of them. As you'll probably be able to see from icons they're large, amazingly spherical pigs with bunny ears. Peony dotes over them, they just sorta stand around and snuffle stuff. Canon gives no real idea on whether they're messy or neat BUT they never have any mud on them even when they're standing in a field, and the game implies that Peony is rather more responsible for their mess than they are. Feel free to do anything to them for gag humour purposes. They bounce. Kick 'em, poke 'em, try to ride 'em, whatever you like. Peony might sadface or he might love you for it. Just don't do anything drastic to them - assume they count as Peony for maiming / whatever purposes. Edit:- The rappigs are, for all intents and purposes, godmodding for humorous effect. If comedic violence is what you want, go for it. Dribble them like a basketball, chuck them in the lake (Marcy spits them out with a 'ptoo' noise, so on so forth.

meme, information

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