OOC History and Bio

Oct 31, 2009 15:40

Character name: Tachibana An
Nationality: Japanese
Age: 18 (soon to be 19)
Rank: Unranked
An stands around 5’4. She keeps her shoulder length hair hidden beneath a wig worn to give her a more boyish appearance. Given that she’s currently hiding behind the guise of being male, the young woman is always seen in her uniform with her suit jacket tightly buttoned to further hide the evidence of her breasts, which are always bound tightly. She isn’t very big but paranoia tells her that she must go to extremes to hide her femininity, which explains why she also keeps a pair of black rimmed heavy spectacles on her person to don at any given moment, usually when she fears her face is being scrutinized too intently. When off duty and away from the all seeing eye of the Headmaster she fears finding out her secret, she shows a fondness for wearing skirts and blouses. The more feminine the more appealing, however; don’t let the occasional appearance of her feminine side fool you. This lady in hiding is a tomboy through and through, unafraid of throwing herself headfirst into a rousing game of tennis, basketball, or even baseball.

Tachibana An recently transferred to Lioncrest at the request of her beloved uncle who begged his niece to enter the school and find out what happened to his wayward son. Her cousin, having disappeared for reasons unknown to the family, is the apple of his father’s eye. The only heir to his family’s fortune, the young man disappeared several months ago, and after following every lead found by a private investigator the family found themselves facing the last option on their list-- stealthily interrogate the students of the posh private school for the spoiled offspring of the rich and famous. Operating on the belief that his friends would steadfastly refuse to divulge his whereabouts, the Tachibana family seeks to avoid bluntly questioning the students, choosing instead to acquire information through idle chatter that might be indulged in when servants gather together or when a butler stands at his master’s side during conversations where a servant will be overlooked or expected to keep his lord’s secrets quiet.

Knowing that his daughter could not enter the school as a student, An’s father approached Sakkaki after hearing his brother outline his wishes. A plan was born amongst the three men, An would be allowed to enter the school as a butler, giving her ample opportunity to search for any clue to her cousin’s whereabouts while testing the growth of maturity within the males around her. To put it simply; the headmaster wishes to know who will raise an outcry unmasking her for her deception and who will go to extremes to help protect her secret. In return, the Tachibana family agreed to donate a rather large, significant amount to the school every year for the remainder of her uncle’s lifetime.

An remained unaware of her family’s manipulations and found the idea of infiltrating the school haunting her for days. It interfered with her ability to concentrate at school, made her toss and turn, so that sleep was elusive until finally she approached her uncle about the matter again. The plans the males in her family had already concocted were not revealed for her in those moments as both were aware that, An, being privy to the backing of the Headmaster would grow lax in keeping her gender hidden, which would be disastrous. Having talked his poorer relations into aiding him, the richest Tachibana helped her set on the path she was determined to take by seeking out professionals to teach her to act like a boy from the way that she walked to the way that she talked. Now, An has arrived at Lioncrest, confident that somewhere within its walls a clue to her cousin’s latest escapade lurks.

Anything else:

An goes by the name of Tachibana Kohaku and nobody but Sakkaki and select family members knows she’s at Lioncrest and why she’s there. Please, speak to me first if you want your character to discover her real gender. I don’t want any random, unfounded “Tachibana Kohaku is a GIRL!!” posts or announcements going up without there being something to justify the post or discovery.

Another note of interests is that An’s family is considered the poor relation amongst the Tachibana set. I have yet to decide if this means they really are dirt poor, or if it just means their fortune isn’t as vast as her uncle’s but time will tell.
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