Title:Camping Pairing:ZuHwan (Junho x YooHwan) and side YooSu Rating: NC-15? Genre:Fluff, smut? idk. toki_o_tomete This was for haleycp because we don't think there is enough ZuHwan fics ;_; Beta-ed by: toki_o_tomete
Oh, I'm so glad to read a junho/yoohwan fic where there's no violence or attempted rape between them!! THANK YOU!!!!!!!!! Those other's... seriously bother me.
Oh *---* I'm really amazed with this fic. I'm a Junyoo shipper and I thought that I'm the one who ship them so hard. I loved the way you wrote this romance, was simple and surrounding *-*
I hope you'll write more fics JunYoo like this.
P.S: Sorry for the bad english, I'm brazilian and I still have to learn more than this.
Comments 4
I'm adding you! Hope it's okay. ^^
I loved the way you wrote this romance, was simple and surrounding *-*
I hope you'll write more fics JunYoo like this.
P.S: Sorry for the bad english, I'm brazilian and I still have to learn more than this.
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