Feral Side 1/1

Feb 27, 2011 23:59

Feral Side

Pairing: Jared/Jensen

Rating: NC-17

Words: 1,600

Warnings: m/m-sex and some kinky feral things, dom/sub, barebacking, a hint of blood… what a naughty little ficlet!

Disclaimer: I don't own these characters. It's a lie.

Prompts by angeblond : feral side

Summary: In the Method in Madness-verse. There are a few things that can tick off a berserker: blood, rage, violence… and jealousy. It’s a lesson Jared will still have to learn.

The growl was low and rumbling making a shiver of excitement and fear run down Jared’s spine as his hands tightened around the expensive fabric of Jensen’s suit. This was it, the edge that Jensen was always treading on and usually did a good enough job balancing. Whatever had ticked the man off it wasn’t good and they couldn’t be around people in case something happened. The back door was unlocked, thankfully, and they stumbled out into a dark alley that was empty but for a few trash cans and a stray cat that scurried away in alarm when it’s feline instincts picked up on the predator that just left the building.

The door hadn’t even fallen shut again when Jared’s feet left the ground and he was thrown around back colliding hard with the stone wall of the building they just exited. A hard body was pressing against him pinning him down and holding him in a vice-like grip as luminous green eyes looked up at him. Jensen’s teeth were bared and they looked sharper than usual. His nose was creased like that of an angry dog and the rumbling had grown into a full-on ear-drum pressuring growl.

Jared held completely still eyes wide as he was unable to tear his gaze off those green, feral eyes watching as round pupils slowly, unnaturally pulled into long catlike slits.

“Jen?” His voice was husky, low and a little gravelly because one of Jensen’s hands was around his neck and sharp nails bit into his skin just so short of drawing blood. “Jensen, you don’t want to...”

“Shut up!” Jensen snapped at him with a voice that was only half human underlain with an animalistic growl. His grip tightened making Jared’s breath choke to a halt as the other man pressed closer warm breath ghosting over Jared’s neck, sharp teeth grabbing his throat in a sheer show of dominance but not biting.

It took a moment until Jared could make himself relax, head dropping backwards and form going lax and still. It was difficult to not struggle when his windpipe was pressed shut by clawed hands and the growl of another creature vibrated around his Adam’s apple. But this was the right thing to do. Fighting with Jensen was a loosing battle any time of the day but fighting with him like this was suicide.

His instincts paid off when the hand suddenly let go and the teeth pulled away scratching over his skin to be replaced by a nose trailing along his neck and over the collar of his shirt to the shoulder of his jacket.

Jared’s eyes followed Jensen as his head moved in a distinctly dog-like motion along Jared’s shoulder as he sniffed deeply ending in a snort and a growl. Suddenly those sharp nails seized the fabric of Jared’s suit-jacket and pulled it away roughly, black cloth tearing easily.

“Jensen? What’s going on with you?”

“She reaked all over you, put her hands all over you… sprayed her hormones like a bitch in heat.” Jensen wasn’t satisfied until Jared’s entire jacket was strewn over the ground in tiny shreds.

“Who? Sandy? She was just flirting.”

Obviously that was the wrong thing to say because he was seized by the shoulders and rammed against the wall once more. Without his jacket the cold seeped into him quickly and he shivered while Jensen was right in his face eyes wild and green. “You’re mine.”

“I know and I didn’t give a crap about her advances, you know that”, he whispered in a low, calming voice like he was talking to a skittish animal, which, in a way, he was.

“She didn’t know.”

“We know.” Jared chose to risk it and brought his hands up to rest against Jensen’s waist while the man was still pinning him to the wall with his full weight.

“You still smell like her.”

“Jensen I…”

“Have to change that.” Jared wasn’t prepared for the sudden change in mood when Jensen ripped his shirt open without much ado and pushed his nose behind Jared’s ear pulling in a deep breath and following it up with a nip and a bite that stung quite well due to the sharp teeth Jensen was sporting. Jared hissed trying to wrap his head around this new development but could only catch up when is fly sprung open right before he was pun around so his cheek hit the cold stone.

The shock of rough cool against his suddenly naked chest made him shiver and he gasped in a breath. “Jensen we can’t… not here.”

“Yes, here, where they can all see that your mine, smell that you’re mine.”

There was no use reminding the man that he was the only person around with a super-nose and thankfully the alley was lonely at this point of night so hopefully noone would see anything. Jensen was pressed closely against Jared’s back hot breath tickling the short hairs on the taller man’s neck as he roughly yanked Jared’s pants off his hips.

“Fuck, Jensen, do you really…” He didn’t get to finish the words as two fingers pushed into his mouth and he was left with only two options: bite or suck. Jared wasn’t the biter in this relationship, so he chose the latter. At least Jensen wasn’t so far gone to forget what preparation was.

When those slick fingers found their way between his cheeks he moaned forehead falling against the rough stone in front of him and he shivered as Jensen’s teeth trailed up and down the inprint of his spine to rest on the nape of his neck, a threat of a bite but never turning real.

“God, fuck!”

Jensen was going fast and rough and Jared  knew that this much care alone was probably already a stretch for is boyfriend’s feral side.

Suddenly the fingers were pulled away and Jared was left feeling empty. But there was a harder, larger pressure replacing it quickly and Jared had to bite his lip to keep from howling with the pain of the sting. The discomfort was immediate because the preparation had been lax at best but he panted in a few deep breaths as Jensen started moving and thankfully the pain subsided quickly to a slight burn as his muscles relaxed and Jensen’s deep strokes stretched him fully.

His arms rested on the wall beside his head both wrists circled by Jensen’s clawed hands. He couldn’t remember them getting in this position but it was good because he didn’t know how long his knees would hold him up but the vice grip Jensen had on him would never let him fall.

Jared jolted as if electrified the first time Jensen hit that spot inside him and he couldn’t help letting his head fall backwards to rest on Jensen’s shoulder as a chocked scream left his throat. His own dick, that had only been half interested so far due to the fact that it was pressed against a definitely too cold wall, came to full attention and he bucked in the hold Jensen had on him.

“Jen? Jen I need… please, Jen!”

A growl was all the indication he got that Jensen actually heard his plea but the death grip on his wrists disappeared and his knees buckled as the extra support was gone. Thankfully an arm slung around his midriff quickly grabbing him tight and pulling him harder against Jensen sheathing the man even deeper inside.

Jensen’s other hand found it’s way down to pay attention to Jared’s own hard-on setting a pace in time with the hard, rough strokes of Jensen’s body. Jared wasn’t prepared for the moment Jensen found his climax with a deep growl that made the whole alley around them vibrate as the man’s body tensed violently and sharp teeth sunk into the base of Jared’s neck just above the spine deep enough to draw blood.

Jared grunted at the pain of the bite but it soon mixed with pleasure as Jensen didn’t stop moving only jerking his body even rougher, deeper, pulling on Jared with a vengeance that would leave him raw for days and he had no defences against the orgasm that flooded his system as he was overpowered by the mixture of sensations, of pain and pleasure.

Had he let himself go completely, there would probably have been a police car in the alley within five minutes from his howling scream, but Jared had the consciousness to bite his lip choking the scream in his throat to a rough whine while he tasted blood on his tongue.

His whole body sagged as the last tension left him and he was only held up by Jensen’s arms around him as the man was still buried deep inside him pressing Jared against the wall and holding them completely still but for Jensen’s tongue that kitten-licked over the probably still bleeding bite right over Jared’s spine.

For a long moment Jared’s forehead rested against the stone that wasn’t so shockingly cool anymore, then he turned his head trying to catch Jensen’s eyes. When the man looked up at him his eyes were gleaming only faintly with that feral green they had had only a minute ago. Jensen’s look caught on Jared’s bloody lip and he leaned in kissing the taller man for a long moment before sucking that abused lip into his mouth and sucking it clean.

When Jensen pulled back his eyes were closed and Jared could swear he could hear the man purring.

“Now they all know, Jen. I’m yours.”

A smile tugged on Jensen’s lips as he nuzzled Jared’s cheek like an overgrown, content cat. “Yes, they do.”


*hugs* Birdie

prompts, j2au, oneshot, fanfiction

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