It’s been a little update is needed.

Jul 12, 2005 20:49

We are getting a divorce ( Read more... )


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Comments 6

preciousdestiny July 13 2005, 09:44:48 UTC
have fun in chicago :)


insaneandcomfy July 14 2005, 05:51:11 UTC
thanks hot stuff!!!


margeaux_lekter July 13 2005, 15:44:35 UTC
i'm glad it's an amiable divorce & you guys are doing what you think is right for you, instead of staying in a relationship that other people might find more right for them...if that makes any sense.;-) i mean, you guys know what you want & you're doing it! that's wonderful! i'm sure it will still be emotional, so i'm always here if you need to talk.

i hope you have lots and lots of fun in chicago! i wish i could come along.


insaneandcomfy July 14 2005, 05:49:26 UTC
you'll be with me in spirit my friend...everytime i see ahottie walk by i'll try to spank her twice for you ;)


lostangelsixx July 14 2005, 04:22:29 UTC
As much as everything involved sucks...being/staying friends is an incredible feat. Hell, let's be honest- there's a lot of married folk running around out there who are still married, but can't stand to be in the same room together (you can lump my mom and dad in that category, btw). If it works out for you, to hell with conventional thinking- it never got anybody ahead, that's for sure.

And you have TONZ of fun in most def deserve it. Smoke/drink one for me;)

~Much Love


insaneandcomfy July 14 2005, 05:48:09 UTC
you got it BABY!!!


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