Title: Scars
Pairing: Luna/Ginny, Harry/Ginny
Rating: PG-13/Rish for mentions of adult themes, language, alludes to domestic violence.
Length: ~680
Summary: Some scars can't be healed with potions or spells. It takes something stronger.
Author's Note: N/A
There was a small scar a few centimeters above Luna Lovegood’s navel and Ginny Weasley made a point of pressing her lips against it every time she laid her head on the blonde’s bare stomach after they made love. It wasn’t sex or fucking or shagging. Not with Luna. Even when it wasn’t slow or passionate (although it was more often than not), it was all because of love.
“Are you staying here tonight, Ginevra?” Luna asked as she slid her fingers through Ginny’s fiery red hair.
“Why do you insist on calling me that?”
“Because it’s who you are. You might still be Ginny to your family but you’ve grown out of it, they just don’t see it. You’re Ginny to him because it means you’re beneath him. I’m the only one that sees you’re not who you used to be. You’re Ginevra to me…my Ginevra. It’s something I have of you that no one else does.”
“You’ve got a lot of things from me that no one else does, love.”
“How much longer, Ginevra? You said we would stop when he came back yet you were with me instead of him the night the war ended. You said it was over when you found out he was going to propose yet the night you got the ring you came here. Your wedding is in three weeks, Ginevra. You need to make a decision.”
“You know I love you and you know I need you.”
“That’s not a decision.”
“Luna, I don’t have a choice. He’ll…if he finds out…even if we stopped and he found out…you know what would happen. I can’t leave him.”
“He doesn’t love you. If he loved you then you wouldn’t be here, in my bed, a couple times a week.”
“I’d be in your bed every night if I could…” the redhead whispered.
“You could be. And if you don’t leave him it’ll be a bed at St. Mungo’s.”
“What the fuck are you thinking, Ginny?! Really!? You thought you could fucking whore around on me and I wouldn’t find out? I’m the goddamn Boy-Who-Fucking-Lived, you think people aren’t scouring my life waiting for something to go wrong so they can tell me about it?!”
Ginny stood silent.
“Say something you fucking slut!”
“Took you long enough.”
“I love her.”
Most people would be shocked to find out that the Boy-Who-Lived, the boy who defied Voldemort when he was only a year old because of love, would actually hit his fiancée. Luna wasn’t. She was never shocked when Ginny showed up at her doorstep bruised and occasionally bloodied. She was shocked this time though, when Ginny showed up with her own knuckles bloodied and sans the engagement ring she’d had on for two years.
She collapsed into Luna’s arms. After the cut on her forehead was mended and the bones in her hand were healed they fell into bed.
“Are you staying here tonight, Ginevra?” Luna asked after Ginny pressed her lips against the scar on Luna’s stomach.
“Every night.”
Ginny stretched up and spooned against the blonde. She slipped her fingers through the long blonde locks and looked into the silver-blue eyes. Her lips pressed against her lover’s. Even though Ginny's lips would never heal the scar on Luna's stomach she knew that Luna's could heal every single one of hers.