I can actually describe my mood in one word: happy.
Happy happy happy happy happy happy happy. Seriously. Just. Freaking. Indescribable. Lysa and I have been downstate for just over a week now, but right before we left encompassed the worst three weeks of my life---hands down.
Here's the shimmy-and-shake:
Lysa and I were living with...a person. Names and identities will be changed to protect the fat. Let's just call her "Bitch Face". No, wait. "Cunt Mongler". Okay, how about "I Hate You and Just Want You to Fucking Die". Ugh, no; that's too much typing. For now, I'll just go with X. Okay, yeah. So Lysa and I were living with X. In case you couldn't tell, I don't hold this person in too high of a regard. It wasn't always this way. Which is why Lysa and I moved in with X. You see, earlier in the year (April-ish), X's mother died of cancer. Very tragic---or something like that. Anyway, X, at the time, was an 18 year old college student left with an entire house and about $800 in monthly expenses---a bit overwhelming for one person. X's best friend (at the time)---let's call her X2---moves in with X. Why not? They've been the best of friends since, leik, highscoolomg! X2 Finds out she can't stand X. X is just too insufferable of a person to live with. So, now X and X2 hate each other and are not on speaking terms. So one day, X contacts me. She informs me she has a three bedroom house (with two empty bedrooms) and can't afford it all on her own (Actually, she told me between her job and the leftover life insurance, she could afford the place on her own with no roommates for about a calendar year. But she wanted that life insurance nest egg to last her well into adulthood). But anyway, wouldn't it be awesome if Lysa and I could move in with her? Lysa and X have known each other since high school, and I have known X through Lysa for a while by that point. Anyway, at this point in time Lysa and I were kind of (illegally) sharing a bedroom (we never reported to the apartment complex that Lysa was living there). So we're kinda cramped and we're offered our own rooms--in a house! A house that is not an apartment, with neighbors there, there, there and there*. Living expenses for each of us would be a little bit cheaper, and we can have our own bedrooms. And all the conveniences of a house---like not having to scrounge up quarters every time you want to do a load of laundry. That, and, you know, we can bail out a friend in need. It just seemed like an all around good idea.
*In case you can't see, I'm pointing in every available direction.
Well, we all make mistakes.
Soon after moving in with X, we notice some...peculiar behavior. Actually, after a while, she became downright annoying. For one, she's a fucking sheep. Anything we would do she had to do. Apparently we were cool, and imitating us would make her cool. Or something. It is no secret that Lysa and I are poor. (Donating bodily fluids at every given opportunity because we need that money to pay bills, or going to community-relief-food-shelters for free food staples.) So, sometimes our socialization-fun-time-opportunities are restricted because we can't shell out $15 in one evening for dinner and a movie. X would ask us if we wanted to do 'whatever', and we'd tell her, "We can't do, 'whatever' because we can't afford it." ...I guess, it just became "cool" to be "poor". So, X was poor too! Rather, she would only claim to be poor, but it was in no other way signified in her behavior. She would go to movies with other friends. She would eat out for lunch and dinner every day. Lysa and I were slightly confused. I mean, we knew she had leftover life insurance, but we didn't know how much. One day, come to find out, she had over $11,000 in her checking account. She had eleven-fucking-thousand dollars, but remember folks, she's poor. What. The. Fuck. Bafflement ensues.
So yeah. For those of you not paying attention, Lysa and I are living with a selfish child that has the mentality of a sheep.
Anyway, she's in a long distance relationship with "the love of her life"---that she met on LiveJournal---who lives downstate. She goes to NMU; he goes to EMU. He is now Y. Y came to visit some time last October. Right before Y visits, X acquires an ear ache. While he is visiting, the pain is "just too much to bear!" And she admits herself to the hospital. Remember folks, this isn't multiple myeloma here, just an ear ache. But whatthefuckever. Anyway, while X is in the hospital, Y has an affair with another woman---X3, I guess. So yeah, things look bad for X. X could have the entire world on her side---but she fucked it up. Immediately after she found out about the affair between Y and X3, she goes over to X3's apartment and is yelling through the door, completely scaring the shit out of her. Extreme harassment here. And yeah, what X3 did would be considered wrong or immoral by most parties, but let's not forget that it takes two to tango? You know, it kind of was her fiance's dick that was the offender in question. Did she ever show any aggression towards Y? Not so much. Regardless, X3 feels bad and tries to make it up to towards X. X3 can admit when X3 done wrong. X will have none of it. Did I mention they work together? X shows X3 constant harassment and
relational aggression to the point where X3 is filing charges for harassment. Like, going to the Dean of Students. After a couple days of following through with it, X3 makes a post on LiveJournal saying she's having second thoughts---essentially she's becoming scared of X. Lysa and I back her up. We tell her if she drops charges now she will appear to be a pushover and X will never stop walking all over her. Mind you, this is all on LiveJournal where no one but select people are supposed to see it. Unfortunately, unknown to all of us, a friend of X's has hijacked Y's LiveJournal. X gets to see information meant for Y's eyes and never meant for X's eyes. Now the truth is out, and X knows how we really feel about her. Yeah, Lysa and I are fully aware it's just as trashy to talk about X behind X's back and probably shouldn't have done that. But let me inform you now that Lysa and I tried. Well before we ever made back handed comments on LiveJournal Lysa and I did the mature and proper thing and confronted X about her stupid behavior. (I've tried keeping this chronological but I don't feel like going back and editing this information in.) All X could do was blame other people for her behavior. X can never accept fault for her own actions. For Christ's sake, I shit you not, this woman ran a red light, got into an accident, and had the audacity to blame the other driver. Nothing can ever be X's fault.
Once X found out that Lysa and I don't particularly care for her, she kicked us out of her house. Basically, she said unless things drastically change she just can't live with our negative energy.
At this point I reminded her that within less than a year she will have lost three roommates because no one can stand to live with her. Four if you count her dead mother.
Regardless, X is looking for some serious ass-kissin'. Lysa and I have the option of sticking to our guns, standing up for what we believe in knowing full well it means being homeless, or completely selling out and brown nose just for the sake of having a roof over our heads.
Guess what we chose?
This all took place early November, and we had until approximately December 15 to find a new place to live. Eventually, after not finding an affordable apartment, we decide to go with a very concrete decision before it's too late. We applied to live in the dorms, on campus, for next semester. However, there are approximately 4 weeks of break in between. Staying at my mom's house won't be a problem except for this: how the hell do we get there? We had some money saved up so we had two options:
Rent a U-Haul and move all of our personal possessions 450 miles
Buy a car and move only will fit inside.
Obviously, we bought a car. If we got a U-Haul, we would have no convenient way of getting back upstate. Greyhound is expensive; we looked in to it.
So this means Lysa and I had to sort through and throw away 85-90% of all our personal possessions. Keepsakes, mementos, bedroom furniture; all gone. We made 8 trips to the dumpster, car packed to the brim, all stuff we just can't keep anymore because there is no room for it. Yeah, at first it sucked. "Oh, this was a gift my grandmother gave to me when I was only seven years old, and now she's dead...Oh well! ::chucks it into the garbage::". If I hand't used it in the last couple months, I didn't need it anymore. What really sucked was getting rid of all my bedroom furniture. Full size bed with head board, computer desk, bookshelf, dresser, all approximately $1,700 worth of stuff---right out the window. Donated to a thrift store. I could have tried and sold it, but putting ad in paper = cost money. Funny how that works.
Those "three weeks" were filled with work, school, preparing for exams, choral concerts (I have a music minor, and I was in three choirs at the time) cleaning house, etc. It seemed like the closer we got to freedom, the worse everything became. Like the suckitude just grew exponentially.
Monday of the last week was...well, it was. It started off with promise. I was already finished with work and choir, and I didn't not have any class, exam, or social obligation that day. I woke up and played video games in bed for three hours while Lysa was getting her hair cut among other errands. She came home and brought me Chinese food! The fun ends there. Lysa has a black cat. X really likes the cat, but fuck what X wants. We got the cat out of the house that day; took him to Lysa's mom's. When we come home, X asks us what we're doing with the cat. We told her we already gave him to a friend. "What! I didn't even get a chance to say goodbye! Sob sob sob." Whatever. Don't care. A little bit later, she leaves the house. Skippy, Lysa's brother, IMs Lysa and wants a ride to Taco Bell, his treat. "Yay!" We are thinking. Thirty seconds away from picking him up, Lysa's mom calls. X was at Lysa's mom's place, asking for the cat. Feeding her lies that the cat is dying, and if X doesn't intervene, the cat will die. We promptly inform Lysa's mom to GET THE BITCH OUT OF THE HOUSE. We wanted to know how the hell X knew where the cat was. As soon as Skippy gets in the car, we tell him we have an emergency situation on our hands and we need to get home as soon as possible. We were expecting X to greet us at the door with salutations of, "Why did you hide the cat!! Don't you know I want to take care of him!?" Given her erratic behavior, we were expecting her to vandalize our property or throw it all out on the front lawn. Thankfully, she wasn't home when we got there. When she did get home, she just sat in the car and watched us haul ass. Again, thankfully, Lysa and I were prepared by this time. Everything we had was stuff we were keeping, and everything fit in the car. However, we can't leave Marquette until I'm finished with my exams and pick up my last paycheck. We can't leave until Thursday and it's only Monday evening, and FUCKED if we're staying at X's another night. So, we were totally homeless for three days. For the third time, thankfully Ashley let us crash at her place for three days, and she has two couches.
We spent our remaining days there, finally leaving Thursday at noon.
Anyway, I've been typing for...::looks at bare wrist:: I don't know how long at this point. I'm tired, and I only shared about 23% of the story. Believe me, the drama goes on for much longer. But I'm tired of typing and my entry suffers from continuity issues and doesn't flow very well at all. Unfortunately for the English inclined, LiveJournal isn't an English class, so damned if I'm gonna go back and revise it! =D