Weeeeeeeeeeee!georgesakiJune 16 2004, 02:17:03 UTC
I have some responces! Oh and we need to try and get some people together and do something with Robert on Friday or I and I know you will be very sad...
053. Pain in the ass? Michael and graham - O_o What why?
183. Disney character: uh.. does Sora or Riku count? - >> Yes yes they do…
314. John: Johnny The homicidal Maniac - ^^ Aint it great!
433. What is the best movie you've seen in the theater or rented recently? Shrek 2. - Puss- “My name is Inigo Montoya… >> I mean Puss in Boots yeah!” Great movie. ^^
476. What is your greatest accomplishment? finally going out with michael and making up with Robert -I am so happy that things are working out. You don’t mind that I am giving him your phone # and IM do you?
Pain in the AssinsanemessJune 16 2004, 16:26:21 UTC
I thought we made up about Robert and The Party but You still dont consider me a friend although I really am trying to make that up because it was a ACCIDENT! I consider you a friend ....
Re: Pain in the AssgeorgesakiJune 16 2004, 23:59:37 UTC
What? I never said I didn't consitter you as a friend. I was just pissed off at that time. I am really glad that you made up with Robert and that was all I ever really wanted. And now you need to help us kidnap him...
So.. all The times you could of said I was one of your friends in the survey question thing.. You were just pissed still? Or I am not a close friend? eh.. I think about things to much..
Comments 4
053. Pain in the ass? Michael and graham
- O_o What why?
183. Disney character: uh.. does Sora or Riku count?
- >> Yes yes they do…
314. John: Johnny The homicidal Maniac
- ^^ Aint it great!
433. What is the best movie you've seen in the theater or rented recently? Shrek 2.
- Puss- “My name is Inigo Montoya… >> I mean Puss in Boots yeah!” Great movie. ^^
476. What is your greatest accomplishment? finally going out with michael and making up with Robert
-I am so happy that things are working out. You don’t mind that I am giving him your phone # and IM do you?
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