worldresolution 20 Facts meme - Elijah Thompson
1. Elijah always starts off his day with a cup of tea that he always finishes, no matter how bad it might taste. He fires the kitchen staff afterwards.
2. He doesn't care for security or protection. Elijah hates bodyguards, doesn't care much for locks, and would rather die than to have security cameras installed. There was only one time that a spy tried to steal private information, and his corpse was soon hung over a rival company's building entrance...
3. Elijah hates therapists.
4. Even if his life, the fate of his company, and his dignity was on the line, Elijah still wouldn't be able to win a poker game.
5. Elijah had arranged specific instructions if he were to die: All senior members and their families were to be killed and disposed of, and every single building related to Aceton Industries were to be completely destroyed during work hours, when all employees were present and accounted for.
6. Elijah's favorite color is white.
7. There was one occasion where he actually did kick a dog.
8. Elijah has only been to two of the hundreds of private properties that he owns. Those two are located in Kyoto, Japan, and Sydney, Australia.
9. Elijah has enough money to buy himself a small country, although he considers something like that 'wasteful spending'.
10. Sex is something that Elijah doesn't care much about, actually.
11. Elijah personally thinks that Xiaofeng's ability to create weapons is more of a threat to his company than the end of the world.
12. Ilse is the only one who knows about Elijah's past.
13. He had sworn to kill anybody who knew what happened on that day when he discovered his powers. Those who passed around rumors were quickly dealt with.
14. He hates crowded, noisy areas. Actually, he just hates people in general.
15. He never breaks a promise or a vow that he makes. He actually does believe that nothing good can come out from not being true to your word.
16. He will always repay for something that he personally destroyed or ruined, even if it belongs to someone he doesn't think deserves it.
17. Elijah personally killed every single living relative in his family, just to be rid of his family once and for all.
18. His greatest pleasure is to see somebody else suffer.
19. Although he never did go through with it, Elijah was actually invited to attend Harvard at the age of thirteen. His father refused the offer.
20. He never had an actual birth certificate. All of his personal papers and identification (passports, licenses, visas, etc) are completely faked.