worldresolution 20 facts meme - Cody Slade
1. Cody is confident that he can kick anybody's ass in Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo. Bring it on, bitches. Do you think you can beat him? Do you? DO YOU? Yeah, that's what he thought.
2. He wonders why he hasn't been expelled from school yet considering his attendence record...
3. Cody still doesn't believe in fate, but he just plays along so Clare will just shut up about it. Yeesh.
4. He had only read a grand total of four books in his life, and three of them were back in kindergarten. (He's trying to read The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe right now without much success)
5. He's trying to hide the fact that he's an Angel from Elian and Ashley so that he can still have a chance to being friends with them.
6. Cody honestly doesn't know where Rachel learned to be a yaoi fangirl.
7. He honestly believes that he's never going to get laid, so what's the point in trying?
8. One day, he will defeat Jason in a battle of image-fu and be a true Macro Master. One day.
9. Cody places the blame on himself and not to his disease for not being able to take care of Rachel properly, and she is all too happy to reinforce this idea.
10. He still has all the handmade gifts that Rachel made for him in their previous Christmases, safely tucked away in his cabinet. Cody pulls out the clay picture frame Rachel made back in the first grade every once in a while, although he denies that those are dried tears that mark their little smiling faces.
11. The only reason why Cody got so upset during the Empire State fiasco was not because he killed BJ, but because he scared Ashley.
12. When he's not on the computer, playing video games, or sleeping, he's outside cleaning up the streets.
13. Cody has actually planned out the entire day of favors that Conrad promised him, a rare moment in his life.
14. The day that the London guests tied up the dog was the day that the other half of his neighborhood left. The first half ditched when they realized that something was definitely strange in the community.
15. Cody is still wondering where Acacia got that rope in the first place.
16. The only person that he hates more than his parents is Runihura.
17. Acacia is the only Angel that he actually trusts. Conrad's a nice person, but Cody just doesn't feel right around him.
18. Cody never had much time for friends because of his obligation to take care of his sister. He doesn't adjust very well to the people at school, and tends to avoid them if at all possible.
19. Cody always carries around a pocket knife with him, after an incident where he almost got mugged.
20. He doesn't believe in God.