Well, it's that time again. Time to waste time.
So, because I'm a really anxious guy at heart and I have nothing better to do, I figure that I should probably do that old meme I did a few months ago except I forgot what was on it so I'm starting over from scratch (hello run-on sentence) ANYWAY
So, I like to know how well I'm currently RPing. Comment here about anything ranging from my RP characters to how well I play. You can critique all of my characters or just talk about a few. You can just comment about my roleplaying practices in general. I'll even talk about my previous characters and habits. Just comment about what you like and don't like. If it's even remotely RP-related, then feel free to say something. All comments will be screened. Nothing will be held against you, seriously. (Drama is bad!)
Current list of characters (which is resolutionremix only, lulz)
realityrewrite - Conrad Petersen
playyourhand - Ambrose O'Byrne
notfckingthird - Maleficent Manly-Stevens
artisticapathy - Luzia "Lulu" Lamoureux
eternalunknown - Rachel Goldstein