Ну вот, как так? Гуру, драчивший Джобса и еще пол-Кремниевой долины (Jeff Bezos, Eric Schmidt, Larry Page, Ben Horowitz, Marc Andreessen) - всего-лишь, тренер школьной футбольной команды, практически неизвестный миру:
http://www.usatoday.com/story/tech/2013/12/24/executive-coach-bill-campbell/4189333/ People have asked me in Silicon Valley, - ‘Why are you in high-tech?’
I ask them back, - ‘Have you seen my football record?’
Своим жизненным путем Кэмпбелл напоминает мне другого, более известного, красавчика:
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_Martin Оба умерли весной 2016 г. Совпадение? Не думаю. (КиселевTM)
Второй написал книгу
All You Need is Ears (в смысле, "...имеющий ухи, да услышит..."), а первый тоже оставил ряд изречений.
Итак, отечественным гуру маркетинга, адептам SCRUM,
PRINCE2, Russian business-ladies, сраным коучам и прочей нечисти, посвящается:
1. “Growth is the goal and growth comes through having innovation.
Innovation comes through having great engineers, not great product-marketing guys.”
“Empowered engineers are the single most important thing that you can have in a company.”
“[An innovative culture is] where the crazy guys have stature, where engineers really are important…The Campbell School is that engineers need to have clout.”
2. “I first came out here, everybody wanted to hire the IBM sales guys to be their CEO. Blue suit, white shirt, red tie. Unfortunately, these guys were all sales guys. I mean, that’s all they did. And those guys all failed miserably because they didn’t know the product, they didn’t understand the technology; all they could do was sell.”
3. “I was very devoted to learning the businesses…. I never felt I was behind technology wise. I could learn just like everybody else. I have a reasonable bias for technical stuff and it’s not been that hard to learn.”
4. “I am a big bully about the sales process where you’re the CEO and I want you to buy something, so I take you … for drinks or buy your wife a gold chain. People think these guys, they’re killers, they’re machines, they know how to do this stuff. They make sales this mysterious process. The jet pilot swoops in, bombs everybody up and down, and then everyone else is ready to go and clean up. I don’t believe it. I want to come in there with a quantitative process and say, ‘Let me tell you what our stuff does and let me tell you based on our work what this can do for you in terms of your productivity.'”
5. “We have to be careful about the customer. I learned this from Steve Jobs years ago. When I came to Apple, I brought my Kodak research mentality, and Steve’s view was, ‘Stuff your research. Nobody’s ever going to give you feedback on something that they can’t conceive of.’ And so we would argue those points.
And I [would] joke with him and say: ‘A marketing person would never have conceived of a Macintosh. But a marketing person could have made it better.’
6. “Brilliance can’t be taught, but the operational stuff can be. Do you have operational instincts? Who cares? If you work with me for six months, I can give you enough prowess and process to be able to go run something, and really do something with it.”
“That operating shit - believe me, I fucked it up so many times. I’m an old guy; I’ve made many mistakes.”
7. “People like Mark Zuckerberg, they see an application of science that hasn’t been done before, and they run with it. They’re founders. They’re product creators.”
“I don’t really take the company unless the founder is passionate and really wants to create something durable.”
8. “You need a leader. You have to go out and recruit the best person you can who knows how to create an innovation culture. He or she doesn’t need to be personally the most innovative person, but he or she needs to know how to foster innovation. Then give that person license to hire. Go get yourself some teams. Recruit people who have the ‘DNA’ that you want.”
9. “If you don’t have the right product and you don’t time it right… you are going to fail.” “Great product and great people is the whole answer.”
“It is all about people. If you have the right people you will end up with the right culture.”
“I’ve fired more people for attitude and behavior than I ever have for performance.”
“When I work with startups, the last thing I work with them on is marketing. I don’t want to overestimate marketing.”
10. “I can’t do HTML, come on. I’m just coaching them on how to run their company better.” “[I’m] a third-party Jiminy Cricket. There is nothing transformative that I do. I don’t have the vision of a Marc Andreessen. I am an operating guy, so I help them think about what their company should look like, how they should organize it, how to think about data center management.”
“I believe in management. If you give people, the things you want them to do, judge them on what they accomplish. Make sure that you are really bottom line about everything. They recognize that you’ve got a heart. And that you’re trying to help them by giving them all of that rigor. Then they are going to call you a leader.”
11. “My dad was a tough bastard. We had one car when I was a kid, and my mom used to drive us down to the mill to pick him up. He had worked the midnight-to-8 shift, and would come out in a jacket and tie, and we would drive him to school, where he would teach all day. He would go home after teaching and sleep for a few hours and then go back to the mill.”
“I had a nice time for a long time being under the radar. Instead of being an anonymous guy who wandered around in the Valley, I became someone people focused on.” (Вот, тут немного несрастушки, - мы-то, в своем Сердце Мира и не слышали о таком парне!)