My re-edited research paper for English class

May 27, 2005 12:28

Teacher: Gosse
Grade: 76%
Deserved Grade: 100%
Time Elapsed on Project: 180 minutes'>

Yo’ Mama’s So Fat…She Died.

Sadly, my sarcastic title holds too much truth in it. The deaths caused by obesity are chaotic, and the pandemic-like condition is spreading to all-known civilization. How could we let obesity get so far without being stopped? What really is obesity? Who is at risk? What do we-and what don’t we-know about obesity? With a world of life-threatening altercations caused by obesity, it is surprising to find out how ignorant we are on the heavy killer. The facts of obesity are shocking, the causes are perplexing, and the effects are breathtaking. Because obesity is very bad for people, it should be illegal.

To fight the weighty warrior of obesity, first it is important to understand him. There are three categories of overweight ness: overweight, obese, and morbidly obese. Overweight means a weight, caused by fat cells as opposed to muscle tissue, which is heavier than a healthy target weight. Obesity is defined as a weight, caused by fat cells, of thirty pounds or more over a healthy target weight. To be considered morbidly obese, a weight that is two hundred percent greater than the desired target weight must be achieved.

Since overweight ness is such a problem, what causes it? The four things most commonly cited as the probable causes of obesity are endocrine disorders, genetic syndromes, a disorder of the central nervous system, and multi-factorial obesity. All in all, we don’t really know exactly what causes obesity, but the dominant theory that obesity is about half genetics and half environment.

How, where, and when we store fat is all determined by our DNA. DNA is part of the study of genetics. Hormones are also part of the study of genetics; hormones can affect weight. Genetics, however, only make up half of the problem of this destructive lifestyle.

The process of all nutrient absorption and expenditure is referred to as the metabolism. Fat is a form of energy used and stored by the body. To maintain a constant weight the total expenditure of energy should equal, approximately, the same amount as the energy ingested. The more unused energy-the more fat stored. Consequently, that is the focal predicament facing obesity sufferers. A plummeting decrease of exercise and a grotesque increase of caloric intake are the issues alleged to be the key roots of obesity.

While the causes of obesity are still unclear, there is nothing unclear about the destruction obesity can cause. Obesity has been directly linked to these common health destroyers: high blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol, heart disease, arthritis, colon cancer, rectal cancer, prostate cancer, cervical cancer, ovarian cancer, and breast cancer. Obesity saps our health just as much as it saps our wallets. Obesity costs are estimated to exceed one-hundred billion dollars annually, and the number continues to grow with size of the waist bands.

Although a mastermind of diminishing well-being, obesity is surprisingly easy to detect. A clear sign of being obese is being fat. There are also several tests, both simple and complex, that can measure obesity. The Body Mass Index Test takes the tester’s weight and divides it by their height squared. The results of the test are then compared to a standard. This test is mainly faulty in that it is inaccurate in testing people with abnormally high levels of muscle or fat-so if you’re of a normal body type, this test is fairly accurate. The most accurate obesity test is the hydrostatic weighing. This test measures a body’s density by weighing the body and then comparing it to the measurement of volume of said body after submerging it into water. With so many ways to detect obesity, why do so many people turn a blind, fat eye?

Luckily, even for those who have neglected the facts and already fallen victim to obesity, there is still hope. There are many ways to improve people’s health conditions and even save them from obesity. A good nutrition plan and positive eating habits are the crux of purging obesity out of a victim. For sufferers of obesity who cannot or will not follow the simplest plan, or for those who have become so ill that their life is at a more immediate risk, there are alternative approaches. Pharmacologically, many drugs are on the market to help people aid their catharsis. Hunger suppressors, caloric inhibitors, energy-increasing drugs, and metabolism modifiers are clinically tested and backed by the medical community. Unfortunately, there is also a craze of fad-dieting brainwashing the media. The idea of a “magic pill” spreads propaganda that it possesses the formula that will cure obesity with little diet change, and nearly no exercise. These lies need to be stopped in order to show people the abhorred truth behind obesity.

Enough information has been exposed about obesity that a general public caution should be present, but that is not the case. Obesity is present and rising in Europe, the Caribbean Nations, China, Japan, Malaysia, Samoa, the Middle East, and the Americas. The Americas are the region that have climbed aboard the gravy train and traveled farthest towards the Land’O’Lakes. In the United States, alone, it is estimated that 1 in 3 people is obese, and 1 in 2 people is overweight. Although we are learning more and more about the complications that correspond with obesity, the numbers of obese people in the world continue to climb.

At what point will the government step in and stop the madness? Drugs have been taken off the market, toys have been pulled off shelves, books have been removed from learning facilities-all in the name of safety. How can the government remove Harry Potter from a child’s easy reach only because of vague demonic allegations; yet stuff their mouthes silent to the expanding waistline of its country as people fall like flies to the second-leading cause of preventable death? If people won’t listen for their own good, the government should step in and make them listen, just as it has done before with substances, toys, and books. There is no reason for obesity to be rampant if an effective cure has already been discovered. A law should be passed to make being obese illegal.
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