
Aug 08, 2004 16:20

1. What time is it? 10:34 am.
2. Name: Carlo.
3. Name as it appears on birth certificate: Carlo Primo Milan.
4. Nickname: Juan, Taro, Ravenn.
5. Number of candles on your last birthday cake: 17.
6: Pets: None ;___;
7. Natural Hair color: Black.
8. What friend will have the most entertaining answers? I dunno. Depends on who actually is bored enough to do this~
9. Eye color: Brown.
10. What's the biggest thing you'd change? My allergies.
11. Birth Place: Shellbyville, IN
12. Favorite food: Asian food. I <3 Asian.
13. Favorite junk food: Haha I can't choose one!
14. Been to Africa? Nope. Is Europe close enough?
15. Been toilet papering? nah.
16. Love someone so much it made you cry? No. Haven't cried in a long time.
17. dill or sweet pickles? Dill I suppose.
18. Been in a car accident? Once when I was a wee little lad.
19. Croutons or bacon bits? Croutons. Never really had bacon in my salad before.
20. Favorite day of the week: I guess Friday's. Or Saturdays.
21. Favorite word or phrase: Hmm.. I dunno. It used to be neato.
22. Favorite restaurant: Dude. Any Asian place around here. I love them all.
23. Favorite flower: Hibiscus! Or Gerbera :3
24. Favorite sport to play/participate: Soccer.
25. Favorite drink: Chocolate Milk :3
26. Favorite Ice cream: Cookies and Cream. Or Strawberry!
27. Favorite fast food restaurant: Wendy's. I like their spicy chicken sandwich :3
28. What color is your bedroom carpet: This sort of off-white color.
29. How many times did you fail your drivers test? None!
30. What's the next thing you have to look forward to? My sis getting her laptop. Sure it's not mine, but heck I'll probably be on it more than she will! Well till she leaves for college ;__; I WANT ONE!!
31. From whom did get your last e-mail? Nina.
32. Which store would you choose to max out your credit card? Haha. The Apple store I suppose. Or Best Buy. Oooo!! Or Waldens~
33. What do you do most often when you are bored? Listen to Makie, watch TV, play Halo, or get on the compy.
34. Most annoying thing people ask/tell: When they brag.
35. Bedtime: My dad wants me to sleep at 11. Psshh.
36. Who will respond to this survey the quickest? No clue. 
37. Who is the person you sent this to that is least likey to respond? The most bored~est.
38. Favorite TV show: Usually something on G4TechTV. Or Comedy Central. Or Cartoon Network. And sometimes Nick.
39. Last person's you went out to dinner with? Hmmm... my mom's cousin in Las Vegas. That buffet kinda sucked : P
40. Ford or Chevy: Chevy.
41. Piercing: None.
42. Any Tattoos: *shakes head* Nup.
43. How much do you love your job? So much I wish it existed!!
44. Hometown: Laxington.
45. Time you finished this email? Umm.. it's not done yet!! And I don't do it out of order, you freak.
46. Ever been so drunk you blacked out? Psshh. No.
47. Put a body part on fire for amusement? How intriguing!
48. Kept a secret from everyone? Hahaha that's funny.
49. Had an imaginary friend? Correction. *have*
50. Wanted to hook up with a friend? Well yeah.
51. Had a crush on a teacher? Duuuude none of my teachers were/are cute.
52. Ever thought an animated character was hot? Ahahaha YESH!! Well more cute. But hot works too.
53. Had a New Kids on the Block tape? No.
54. Cut your own hair? Umm once when I was little and got this sticky stuff in my hair.

55. Shampoo: Girl's shampoo rocks.
56. Soap: I use Irish Spring since I'm Irish and all. :-O
57. Color: Black, purple, red.
58. Day/Night: Night.
59. Lace or satin: Errr.. satin?
60. Favorite Cartoon Characters: GIR. And Freakazoid. No wait.. THE LOBE \mmmm/
61. Favorite Food: Asian like I said.
62. Favorite Commercial: Hmmm... I dunno.
63. Favorite Ice Cream: Psshh.. you have a worse memory than me!!
64. Favorite 'normal' Drink: See number 63.
65. Favorite Persons to talk to online: Jaime. And Nina. Micah is also fun to take to.

-----------------RIGHT NOW------------------
66. Wearing: Umm.. jeans and a shirt.
67. Hair is: Gel'd. Umm.. course. I need to use my sis's shampoo.
68. Eating:  I just ate rice and tsino. Well not just. For lunch.
69. Drinking: Milk.
70. Thinking about: How bored I am. And there's no one to be bored with!!!! NO FAIR!!!!
71. Listening to: "37564" by Cali//Gari
72. Talking to: Myself.

-----------------THE LAST 24 HRS------------------
73. Cried: Nope.
74. Worn a skirt: Nope.
75. Met someone New: Nope.
76. Cleaned your room: Nope.
77. Done laundry: Nope.
78. Drove a car: Nope. Dude that was a boring category.

--------DO YOU BELIEVE IN------------------
79. Your self: Yup!
80. Your friends: Yeshu!!
81. Santa Claus: Haha no.
82. Tooth Fairy: Dude all my baby teeth are gone! Which actually doesnt relate that much. No.
83. Destiny/Fate: Semi-sorta.
84. Angels: I dunno.
85. Ghosts: Not really.
86. UFO's: Well I believe in intellegent life. So yeah.
87. Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? *shakes head* nope.
88. Like anyone? Yeah.
89. Who have you known the longest of your friends? I'd say Matt or Kevin. Not my best~est friends, but I still talk to them.
90. Who's the weirdest? Probably Christine
91. Who do you go to for advice? So far no one really. I've never had a big problem. But probably I would go to my best friends.
92. Who do you cry to? I dun cry ;__; Well I do inwardly!!
93. When do you cry the most? Umm.. haven't done so in a while.
94. Worst Feeling: Betrayal? Maybe. Or not feeling loved *shrugs*
95. Who will respond to this email the fastest? Asked already.
96. Who did you send this to who wont reply? This is in my LJ.
97. Who sent this to you? Jaime. Sorta.
98. Home town: UGH!! Look up. Someone should really revise this survey.
99. School: LCHS. Yay for preps. =.=
100. Height: 5'7''
101. What's on your mouse pad?: Some crappy compaq thingy.
102. Favorite TV shows: I DUNNO!!
103. Favorite board game: Monopoly? Oooo Life! Or Scrabble.
104. Favorite smells: Girl's shampoo
105. Best feeling in the world: Can't choose just one~
106. Favorite things to do on weekends: Something fun. Obviously.
107. Favorite bands: Plastic Tree maybe. Or Deadman, MUCC, Silver Ash. *shrugs*
108. What's the first thing you do when you wake up in the morning? Usually umm get out of bed.
109. Do you get motion sickness? No.
110. Roller coasters--scary or exciting? Exciting.
111. Pen or pencil? Psshh. Join the Sharpie revolution!
112. Future son's name: Umm... I dunno. Don't ask me.
113. Future daughter's name: The wife can decide :-O
114. Sleep with a stuffed animal?: Hahaha dude!! I should sleep with my Chococat sponge doll now!!
115. Thunderstorms--cool or scary? Schway cool!
116. Who is your favorite poet? Poe!! :-D
117. If you dye your hair any color, what would it be? Purple or red.
118. If you could have a tattoo, where and what would it be? Ach. I wouldn't get one in the first place.
119. Do you have any piercings? No.
120. Whats on the walls of your bedroom? Wallscrolls and an anime calendar. I need a band poster.
121. Is the glass half empty or half full? Full.
122. Are you a righty, lefty, or ambidexterous? Right-handed!!
123. Do youtype with your fingers on the right keys? Left hand I do. Right hand I don't *shrugs*
124. What's under your bed? MONSTERS!! AHHHHHHHHH!!! That was lame.
125. What's your favorite number? 777. Cause that's like my birth date. [ 7.17.87 ] :-O
126. Favorite sport to play: Soccer.
127. Stay up late or get up late? How bout stay up late, get up early?
128. Have good parents? Pretty much. I love them. Cept when they're asking for computer help.
129. Feel confident about yourself? Yup.
130. Want to get married? Yup.
131. Girl/guy of your dreams: Umm.. I dunno. I'll know when the time comes.
132. Believe in God? I'm kinda wavering at the moment. Not exactly sure if I do or not.
133. Believe in Santa? Dude. Santa still brings me presents!
134. Pierce your nose or tongue: I'd rather pierce my eyebrow : P
135. Serious or funny? Depends on the situation.
136. Cat or dog? How about CatDog!! Haha. Throw in Winslow too.
137. Happy and poor or sad and rich? Happy and poor. You can work your way up.
138. Clumsy or graceful? Hope about both!!
139. Be normal or different? PSSHHHH. DIFFERENT, JA F00!!

140. Snuck out of the house? Umm.. no.
141. Liked someone who didn't like you back? Hmm.. I think. Unless they had some secret feelings they didn't let out.
142. Laughed for no reason at all? Not really.
143. Fell asleep during class? YES! Duuuuuude classes got so boring last year.
144. Started a conversation with a stranger? Yup!
145. Kissed in front of your parents? Haha what do you think.
146. Do you miss anyone? Yeah/
147. Who do you cry with? Asked already!!!
150. Do you get along with your sibling(s)? Hmm yup! My sis rocks.
151. Are you a good friend? I think so. If not, umm you guys tell me : P
152. What annoys you about your friends? Lots of things. :-O

153. Funniest: Jesse.
154. Nicest: Nina.
155. Cutest couple: Umm.. couple? Haha I'd like to see Brad and Jim hook up!! xD Dude and when they get married they don't have to worry about changing their last name!! Doesn't that rock!! Jesse and Eric might make a good couple. Their hate for each other may just be a cover up :-O Oooo secret feelings!! Awwwwwww!!
156. Most likely to do well in life: Errrrr... *shrugs*
157. Most caring: Hmm.. Jaime or Nina.

158. People you mess around with: Umm.. my friends?
159. Where do you live right now? Laxington @#^%!*
160. Have you ever been in love? Not true love.
161. Have you ever been hurt by a guy/girl so bad it hurts inside? Not especially.
162. Have you ever loved somebody so much, it makes you cry? No.
163. Have you ever failed a test you swore you were going to pass? Haha once.
164. Have you ever hurt another's feelings on purpose? No.
165. Have you ever broken someone's heart? Dunno.
166. Have you ever told very private secrets you weren't supposed to tell? Nope!
167. Have you ever called someone just to hear their voice? Umm.. I hardly ever call : P
168. Do you have a cell phone? Yeshu.
169. The one song you have in your head at the moment: "Heffy End" by Seo Taiji.
170. What color pants are you wearing right now? Blue.
172. What are the last four digits of your phone number? 9951
173. What was the last thing you ate? Rice.
174. Last person you talked to on the phone? Jaime. Talked for like umm.. 40 seconds last night. xD
175. The first thing you notice about the opposite sex? Cheerfulness. And overall cuteness : P
176. Do you like the person that sent you this? Umm.. Jaime rocks.
177. How are you today? Tired and hungry.
178. How do you eat an Oreo? Dunking it in milk.
179. What makes you happy? My freinds.
180. Do you wear contacts? Jaime says I should start wearing them again :-O
181. Siblings and their ages? Mariel ~ 18.
182. Who do you consider your close friends? Jaime. Nina.
183. What do you like to do? Nerdy stuff. Shup.
184. What's the best advice given to you? Umm.. "Don't drink the water." :-O
185. Have you ever won any special awards? Dude I got 3rd place in a Tae Kwon Do contest when I was a kid!!
186. What are your future goals? Too many.
187. Favorite day of the year? Umm.. Christmas.
188. Do you like to dance? When I'm alone :-O
189. Are you shy to ask someone out? Yeah.
190. Who do you like? Someone.
191. What's the stupidest thing you have ever done? I dunno.
192. Do you like scary or happy movies better? Happy!!
193. On the phone or in person? In person.
194. Summer or winter? Both.
195. Hugs or kisses? Hugs.
196. Do you want your friends to write back? n/a
197. What's something nice you can say about the person who sent you this email? Umm.. Jaime rocks my socks.
198. Time you finished this e-mail? 4:16 pm

haha look at the times. i hate it when my mom needs the computer.

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