what to do, what to do...

Jun 11, 2009 21:00

okay, so i have a relatively big bedroom and attatched to it is a cupboard about two mentres in length and about 80 centimetres wide. this is a complete guess without measuring so i'm probably wrong. it's currently full of crap we wanted to hide so we filled it with stuff then put a curtain across the doorway and put a chest of drawers in front of it. at the back of it there are suitcases and stuff piled up with all my grandad's stuff in them that my nan obviously can't throw away and there isn't another space for it. so they have to stay there but they look really messy. and i could do with a way to cover them up so that's question a.

now, question b. the walls are a really dark pink. about #CD3278 hex code wise, if you know what that means. because the cupboard doesn't have a window and because the there's only one bare light bulb in there it looks really dull and horrible. so, what to do there? creative lighting ideas loved & also how many coats of white paint you think it'd take to cover it because i'm hoping that'll make that look a lot better.

problem c issss... what do i use the cuboard for? i'm failing to come up with any ideas. my clothes are in my chest of drawers and drawers in my bed and i'm happy with them there. but other than that... what to do with it? i don't wanna leave it full of crap and i feel bad for not making use of the space. i was thinking maybe some shelving units in there where i could maybe put my grandad's stuff on them as well as using them for books, etc. also, any ideas on corner desk units where i could hide the stuff underneath? any help really appreciated. i don't have a lot of money though & im in the uk. keeping costs as low as possible is a priority, unfortunately. so, my questionsss.

a) covering up the stuff at the back of the cupboard
b) lighting ideas & how many coats of paint i'll need
c) a use for the cupboard?
d) shelving units, corner desk, something like that?
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