(no subject)

Nov 09, 2009 23:59

title: the word they whisper low
fandom: mad men
warnings: none
summary: spoilers for 3.13. missing drabblevember drabbles from this weekend: coming soon to a post near you.

Nevada is hot, and dry. Betty can feel the sun on every inch of her skin, weighing her down and drawing out every last drop of moisture.

The hotel Henry found is in the shadow of the mountains. They remain indoors on the first day; baby Gene has Betty's fair skin, and no sunbonnet. They order colorful, peppery food from room service and map out the borders of a new family, in the still-bright dusk light.

Betty calls Ossining on the second day. Sally is full of recriminations; Bobby, questions. When she hangs up the phone, Henry takes her hand.

mad men: fic, drabblevember

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