NAME: Leah
AGE: 21
hotforbabylegIM: formalleah
E-MAIL: gorillaforsandracing@gmail.com
FANDOM: Fullmetal Alchemist
CHRONOLOGY: Chapter 39 of the manga! Also known as her only-hilarious-to-me death.
CLASS: She's a villain and will toss the tags out as soon as she possibly can!
SUPERHERO NAME: LOL AS IF she's not even going to talk to the machine this time around, it will be lust | n/a as always. :(
ALTER EGO: She uses the name Claire a lot! She'll be more reluctant to go back to her old City paper-pushing job, though, least of all because her ass no longer has it.
In the world of Fullmetal Alchemist, alchemy, the pseudoscientific transformation of one form of matter to another, equivalent form, and its manipulation by the corrupt state of Amestris is the driving force of the story! Edward Elric and his brother Alphonse, two alchemists, are the protagonists, and the most important antagonists are the homunculi, a group of seven artificially-created humans named after the seven deadly sins, who secretly control Amestris and have used its resources, including alchemy, to commit strategic genocide and fuck the whole world over for their own purposes! They work for a shadowy 500ish-year-old figure who they refer to as Father, whose ultimate goal is to alchemize the entire country of Amestris, offering the citizens' souls as sacrifices for the cost of the alchemical reaction, and open the ~mysterious~ metaphysical force known as the Gate on "the promised day." The homunculi supposedly represent all of Father's own sins; therefore, by expelling them from his body and giving his imperfections their own forms, he has rid himself of any flaws. Each of them has a Philosopher's Stone contained inside their body--in Lust's case, it's between her collarbones, just above her breasts--which allows them immense regenerative capabilities, and they can be recognized by the ouroboros mark somewhere on their bodies, which, in her case, is in the same place as the stone.
Lust is one of the first homunculi that show up in the story; she and Gluttony first appear in chapter 2. She works in the shadows, persuading alchemists to take actions that help Father's ultimate plan and intimidating or eliminating anyone who poses a threat. She is usually accompanied by Gluttony, another extremely childlike and slow homunculus, who she acts as a caretaker for. She also has a stake in making sure the protagonists of the story, Edward and Alphonse Elric, stay alive, because, having seen the Gate when they tried to transmute their mother, they qualify as "precious sacrifices", which Father needs to open the Gate. As the protagonists grow increasingly knowledgeable about the dire and skeevy circumstances they're in, she tries to discover how much they know--in particular, what Colonel Roy Mustang knows--by dating one of his subordinates, Jean Havoc, under an alias.
When Barry the Chopper, a serial killer whose soul was alchemized to a suit of armor as he was executed, escapes from the homunculi's grasp, their plan to capture him backfires almost comically, and Mustang and Havoc end up infiltrating their lair. To keep them from going any further, Lust goes to kill them, and Mustang and Havoc's attempts to blow her up fail. She pierces Havoc's spine, paralyzing him, and injures Mustang severely, leaving him to die of bloodloss while she deals with the other intruders. Mustang is able to cauterize his own wounds, however, and before Lust is able to kill Al or Hawkeye, he kills her, burning her body continuously until her Philosopher's Stone runs out of power and she dies.
Lust's defining feature is probably how cool she is. Not sunglasses at night cool, but cool-headed and, in a way, businesslike. She's calm, intelligent, and completely heartless. Lust has no regret for any of the (incredibly horrible) things she does, and the concept of feeling remorse would be laughable to her. You could probably make a case for her being a sociopath, but it's really more that Lust is, like most other homunculi, so clearly and sheerly inhuman that she's unable to identify with human emotions and values in any way. She can understand, to an extent, why people act the way they do, but she sees no value in those motivations except as a tool to further Father's plans. In Lust's eyes, the average human being is pretty much on par with an ant; she sees homunculi as being an evolved, superior version of humanity, and views human emotion as foolish and weak. She can respect some humans grudgingly, if they're able to get the best of her. Unfortunately, the way Lust expresses respect is usually by being sad she wasn't able to kill someone.
When she's with nonhumans, however, her disposition is slightly different. Father's goals are everything to Lust--unlike some of the other homunculi, like Greed, Wrath, and Pride, she never shows any signs of having conflicting desires, and she at least claims to have "affection for the father who created her." In addition, she's almost always pleasant with the other homunculi, and has a somewhat playful side when she deals with them, teasing Envy about his nasty disposition and occasionally using Gluttony as her own personal chair. Gluttony is particularly important to her character because Lust shows more affection to him than she does to any human character in the entire series; he's something between a child and a pet to her, and she treats him accordingly, patting him on the head and scolding him when he does something bad, which in his case is eating people he shouldn't eat.
Also notable is Lust's extreme sadistic streak. She very clearly enjoys hurting and toying with people throughout the series, both physically and psychologically, but never takes it to the extremes that Envy does. Lust is able to combine business and pleasure; she takes her fun in intimidating and eliminating the people who she would have to get rid of anyway, and she never goes over the top in doing it. As opposed to Envy, who basically has a giant homunculus orgasm when he watches and causes war, Lust just sees mass destruction as another extension of human foolishness. The kind of pain she likes is more individual; when she tells Mustang to watch his subordinates go cold before his eyes and die with them, that's as enjoyable as it gets for her. Although Lust's name and appearance would suggest otherwise (i.e. she is a stone cold fox), she shows very little interest in actually having sex with anyone. While I'd argue that she does have a pretty strong sexual drive compared to the other homunculi (except Greed, who's a giant manwhore), she's integrated it almost entirely into hurting and killing other people; intimidating Marcoh or stabbing Mustang is basically a sexual release for her. That is totally headcanon, of course, and I will fully get rid of and stomp into the trash if Arakawa ever contradicts it! Unfortunately, since she's been superdead for like seventy chapters and the manga is finished, I seriously doubt we're ever going to get any more of her personality expanded on. WHICH SUCKS.
1. STABBING PEOPLE WITH HER NAILS: Lust can extend her fingernails into deadly and (supposedly) unstoppable spears, which she uses to stab the fuck out of people. There isn't any apparent limit to how far they can go, or to what they can cut through; in the anime adaption of the manga (as opposed to the anime adaption of the anime producers' drunk scribblings on a napkin once they ran out of manga chapters to transcribe I'MJUSSAYIN), Greed cites them as being able to cut through diamonds.
2. PEOPLE DIE WHEN THEY ARE KILLED: Due to her nature as a homunculus, she also has extensive regeneration; although she has limits and will die if killed enough to exhaust her Stone's regenerative power, Lust canonically survives being shot in the knees, completely blown up and having an entire gun's worth of ammo unloaded straight to the face, and only dies after she's been continuously incinerated for a while. And that is all on the same day! It's never made clear whether or not homunculi are able to actually "heal" from their injuries and rebuild their reserves of... regenerativeness, but since that regeneration is mostly due to the living human souls they're composed of, I'd err on the side of no. In the City, however, I'd like to have Lust's regenerative powers altered slightly by the porter so that if she goes a significant period of time--say, a month--without being "killed", she can eventually work up her figurative extra health bar to its original pre-blown-the-fuck-up condition. She can still totally be permakilled if someone kills her continuously, though! All body parts that get cut off from her main source of regenerative power--the Philosopher's Stone next to her heart--will turn into dust, blow away, and disintegrate into nothing.
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