i love you and goodbye

Nov 30, 2004 17:38

i love you and goodbye.

no more livejournal. i'm moving to greatest journal because it has so much to offer. more than livejournal. i may post here, but it won't be my main journal. i'm sorry, but if you have a greatest journal, add me to your friends like. and if i mean that much to you that you want to get a gj just for me, even better.

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Comments 8

kittyfu December 1 2004, 01:33:31 UTC
Jonny, how did you code for your new journal? I'd get one if I could figure out how to put a big picture on it like yours...foo... =(


insipid_dreamer December 1 2004, 01:39:44 UTC
i'll code it for you if you get one, k?


kittyfu December 1 2004, 03:24:49 UTC
I'm so all over it! ;)


piratelicker December 1 2004, 03:01:19 UTC
nyaaaa, don't go!!!! XDDDD


insipid_dreamer December 1 2004, 03:08:31 UTC
get a gj. it's 100 times better than lj to tell you the truth. i'm thinking about some ways that i can still keep in touch with all my lj friends. keep me thinking.


fever_netsu December 1 2004, 07:06:56 UTC
it looks good.. o_O
ehhh!! youre leaving! >(
eeee... nvm.. ill go get one too =X


twilight_cutie January 5 2005, 11:19:44 UTC
Hi Jonny,
I saw that you applied to the community: the___bomb and I thought you seemed pretty cool so I wanted to invite you to check out this community:

... )


_bork February 3 2005, 04:36:43 UTC
hii. i'm brian. i found your LJ and i really like your layout, any chance you could give me the overrides?



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