Player Information
Name: Mai
Age: 20's
AIM SN: xMaichix
Have you played in an LJ based game before? Yes!
Bonus: I heard about Siren's Pull from dear_mun
Character Information
Canon Source: Tales of Vesperia
Canon Format: Video Game and Movie (First Strike), and manga format (though I haven't seen the manga)
Character's Name: Estellise Sidos Heurassein; nickname: Estelle
Character's Age: 18
Conditional: n/a
What form will your character's NV take?
Estelle's NV will most likely take the form of the fake blastia (it looks like a fancy bracelet) that she wears, if that's okay!
Character's Canon Abilities:
Weapons: Rapier and Shield; Estelle was trained by Flynn and the knights while she was in the castle in Zaphias. Of course he was reluctant since it's kind of unbecoming of a princess to fight. Initially he only taught her the basics, and took extra special care during training her. If she were to get hurt while practicing, it was him who would get in trouble. Estelle practiced often when he wasn't around, but the other knights with her were similarly reluctant to spar with her for the same reason. She is a fairly competent fighter, under a class best categorized as combat healer, but her healing is only as good as her ability to concentrate to cast. She can't, after all, use a spell or an art if someone is bashing her over the head.
Pow Hammer - Manifesting a squeaky hammer in the air that knocks her enemy for a loop!
Star Stroke - An energy wave is sent across the ground
Pierce Cluster - An arte involving both sword and shield in which Estelle stabs and slices an enemy, then bounces them off her shield.
Cavalry - A simple art that keeps Estelle from being knocked dizzy - sort of stabilizing.
Dividing Edge - A charge arte which allows Estelle to back off from the enemy, then charge again. Can also be changed into a wind arte, Air Divide.
Marche Waltz - A weapon art where Estelle continues to slash at the enemy while dancing the waltz.
Delight Roll - An Arcane arte where one spins their weapon to flip enemies into the air while releasing a ray of holy light.
Ray Sting - An Arcane arte where the enemy's shield is knocked into the air, and the attack is followed with a quick thrust.
First Aid - "Holy power, come to me! First Aid!" A low level spell that restores a bit of energy (HP) to an ally.
Recover - "Foul affliction, Begon! Recover!" A low level spell that can restore an ally of any physical ailments such as poison.
Sharpness - "Strength! Dwell in this blade! Sharpness!" A buff spell to increase a physical attack for a short time.
Barrier - "O Enduring protection! Barrier!" A buff spell to temporarily increase the defense of an ally
Resist - "O Power that denies my enemies! Resist!"? A buff spell to temporarily increase the magical defense of an ally
Photon - "Oh power that tries so, shine! Photon!"Attacking an enemy with an explosion of light
Healing Circle - "Arise O light of life! Healing Circle!" A stronger healing spell which can restore energy to multiple allies (who must remain within the circle).
Resurrection - "Bring them back from the abyss of death! Resurrection!" - A spell which restores an ally from an unconscious state (not dead state)
Dispel - "O Source of illness, begone! Dispel!" A stronger spell which cures allies of both physical and magical ailments, such as poison, confusion, etc.
Angel Ring - "Come, O Silver light! Angel Ring!" A ring of light forms on the ground, and pulls any enemies in its range into the center for constricting damage.
[ Additional Note on Healing: The results of her healing would be entirely dependent on player consent ]
Healing: By far, Estellise's ability to heal is her strongest, if not the most defining. It and her compassionate (almost blindly compassionate) nature go hand in hand. Her healing ability tends to work instantaneously, and is only as strong as the amount of effort and energy she puts into casting her spell. At the same time, the drain it puts on her own energy reserves varies depending on how much effort she puts into it. Healing a simple scratch is effortless, and barely has an effect on her energy. More severe injuries take longer to heal; they aren't necessarily intantaneous, and often take several spells to be cast for the full effects to kick in. She won't hesitate if an injury will deplete her entirely, and even after recovering from passing out after excessive spellcasting, she'll just return to heal the injured person again.
Child of the Full Moon:
( Technically this would in theory only apply to Terca Lumireis (her world) I think...)
In addition to her healing, Estellise possesses a unique power as Child of the Full Moon. The Children of the Full Moon were an enigmatic race, and as their history was passed down orally, there is not much in the way of written documentation about them, as all but one sacrificed themselves to seal away a dangerous creature that threatened the world. With the exception of other Entelexeia, a race of magical creatures that lived along with the Children of the Full Moon, no one knows their origins anymore. These people were said to be very in tune with the spirits and environment around them. However, there is bad that goes with the good, as they say. While the Children of the Full Moon had the ability to heal and interact with the magical environment, it was akin to a poison to Entelexeia - and the world. Their power relied on using, even creating aer for healing artes. For this reason, among others, the Entelexeia see the Children of the Full Moon as a poison slowly killing the world, because they generate so much aer when using their abilities, and the only way to prevent that from happening is to kill all the Children of the Full Moon.
As aer is poisonous in large amounts, it effects Entelexeia drastically, driving them into madness and causing them to rampage, even killing them outright, turning them into a crystal called an apatheia that contains an immense amount of power. In theory, a dying Entelexeia can be converted into a different type of spirit, but it would take a lot of research and scientific/magical application to work out a practical and safe theory to do this, as well as a willing Child of the Full Moon.
Conditional: N/A
Weapons: Rapier and Shield
Character History:
As one of the candidates to the Empire's throne, Estelle calls Zaphias her home, though given her status, she was never allowed to leave and mingle with anyone beneath her station. Until her chance encounter with Yuri, in fact, she'd never been outside of the castle walls. She never knew her mother - or at least, didn't know her well enough to remember her clearly, and her father likely passed away early as well. Much of Estellise's schooling and upbringing was done by nannies, and as she was under almost constant guard, she wasn't given much free reign to wander the halls of the castle. She certainly didn't have anything even remotely close to freedom, and she felt guilty for longing for such a thing, when she had a life of privilege that others would kill for.
She had few friends, most of which were servants, but her closest friend at the castle was a man by the name of Flynn Scifo. He was a member of the Imperial Knights, and despite his initial misgivings, he and his fellow knights did eventually give in to Estelle's insistence and taught her how to fight. Because of his duties, Flynn was often away from the castle and would tell Estelle of his travels whenever she asked. Again she would often feel that wistful urge to have the same freedom that he did; but she never acted on it.
Now, Estelle for all her sheltered naivete, was a special girl - not just that she was a charming girl and her servants were all fond of her, but she also had the gift of healing. The only difference between her healing magic, and the magic that others around her used, was that they used what was called a bodhi blastia; which allowed people to perform magic and special abilities. Not so for Estelle, who was capable of casting her healing arts without the aid of a blastia. To avoid questions that no one wanted to answer, or couldn't answer, Estelle was given a very fancy bodhi blastia - but a dummy one, to just make it appear that she was using the blastia to use magic. Most people who used them frequently would be able to tell that she wasn't actually using it, however. Still, there were some people who had interest in her ability - and that interest was not benign.
Unfortunately, Flynn's time with Estelle was limited, and he eventually had to leave as part of a knightly pilgrimage. Before he left, however, he warned her that Something Was Afoot, and that she should be very careful. She didn't understand what he'd meant by that, and it wasn't until almost a week later, well after he'd left, that she began to get A Clue. An increase in her personal guard, a number of shifty looks, whispers that stop and change topics when she is near... it just was strange. Sure the knights that visited were all very nice, if a bit.. proprietary.
Over time, she'd been able to find ways to sneak out of her room to get closer and closer to finding a way to escape the castle. She'd slipped up once, the guards were going to take her back to her room when she encountered a strange man in a place where he certainly didn't belong. Admittedly he helped ... discourage the guards from following her and had even offered to help her escape. That he seemed to know Flynn was reason enough for her to trust him, and she followed him and the motley crew they met along the way - soon getting caught up in an adventure that took her out of the castle and all over the world that was as much to save it as to discover her own identity.
Point in Canon: Before the battle at Zaphias.
Conditional: N/A
Character Personality:
Raised in a fancy schmancy castle her entire life, Estelle is a bit ... naive, shall we say, in regards to the world outside the protective walls of her home. As a result of this protected, sheltered state, she tends to believe what people tell her, without considering that they may be deceiving her. She has enough common sense to not believe something that's -too- ridiculous, but she does still fall for the occasional lie, like superstitions.
Everything she's learned about her world, she learned it from the books in the library, and from what her knight friend, Flynn, told her about his travels. To that effect, she is quite smart when it comes to things in books, and her memory is impressive enough that she is able to recite passages from books she's read by heart. This is undoubtedly because whenever you get Estelle into a library, or near a book, she will immediately read it. She's fascinated with learning about other cultures and reading fairy tales as well, and once she begins reading, it's hard to get her attention again, as she will completely lose herself in the world of the printed word.
She has an insatiable curiosity, and a creative spirit - because she's been influenced by so many books, both myths and real life stories, she has a talent for weaving stories of her own. Of course, her preference is in creating fairy tale myths to bring smiles to the faces of children, and anyone who would read or listen to her stories. She delights in making people happy, and with a compassionate heart as big as hers, she often goes out of her way to meet people and socialize. She enjoys making friends, and is fascinated by the different backgrounds that everyone has. She isn't even deterred by those who are less than social themselves, and will approach them to get them to talk - despite the challenge that it may be. Her persistence is only that much moreso when it's an animal, so when even an animal dislikes her, she does display a bit of.. poutiness. But rather than get so discouraged she stops trying, she continues to try and get on the other's good side, to make friends. Everyone needs a friend!
Typical of any teenage girl, Estelle demonstrates several similar traits to 'normal' or 'common' females when it comes to her appearance. It's very very slight vanity, and a bit of self consciousness about her own figure mainly. While she has accepted that she won't be as developed as other women, she can't help but feel a little envious of their fuller figure on occasion. At the same time, she does get defensive of her own figure, even a little bit offended if someone implies she might not be cute or sexy - despite any embarassment that may come of it.
A pacifist at heart, Estellise prefers not to fight whenever necessary - however, she is well aware that to accomplish certain goals, fighting cannot be avoided. To that end, she will give it her all when she fights, even though she may much rather be healing those who are injured. When she does encounter someone who is in trouble or hurt, she doesn't hesitate to throw herself into the fray and fight to protect someone, or push herself to the very limits of her abilities healing them, even if it drives her to exhaustion.
As far as decision making goes, she is almost always in conflict, especially when it comes to what she wants personally, and her duties as noble. On the one hand, as a noble, she knows she should remain at home, where she can maybe do some good and change things, even though she will be kept under guard and sheltered with no freedom there. On the other hand, she wanted to explore the world around her, to take a more active hand in helping people, and do things that she would never be permitted to do if she were at home. This conflict often leads her to simply 'follow along', or stall on a decision, constantly second guessing herself and hoping she makes the right choice. Eventually she gets a lot better about making decisions for herself, and and when she does make a decision, she sticks by it to the point of stubbornness.
Conditional: N/A
Character Plans: For now, once she arrives in-game she's probably going to think she's by herself. She'll be relieved she's not anywhere near Alexei, or in that godawful bubble. Once she's found shelter, she'll want to make herself useful by working at one of the clinics - most likely the Skye Medical Center, or whever she is needed most.
Here! Writing Samples
First Person Sample
[ Holographic Post ]
[ A flickering, tiny image appears over the NV, of a young lady sitting primly on a chair, her hands clasped neatly in her lap. She leans forward for a moment, studying the display, and then leans back again, her short hair bobbing with the movement. ]
"Um... Good afternoon everyone, my name is Estellise. I'm afraid I'm new here in this city. I arrived just last night - it was pretty dangerous. I'm looking for some friends of mine ...although I... don't think that they're here."
[ She pauses, looking away with a sad expression for a moment, and then turns back to the display. ]
"Yuri, Karol, Rita, Judy and....and Raven are their names. Yuri may be traveling with a dog named Repede. If anyone comes across them, please, let me know. I need to know if they're okay... and I haven't seen them in so very long."
[ Another pause, shorter this time. ]
"Oh! And ... if anyone was injured yesterday, I can heal you. I'm going out right now to assist anyone at the medical center, but you can still reach me anytime."
[ Another pause as she considers whatever else she should add, and finally rises from the chair gracefully, bowing towards the NV. ]
"Thank you."
[ The feed ends. ]
Third Person Sample
Every part of her body ached. Her head felt like it was splitting open, and when she opened her eyes to the cool air, all she could see was the dark night sky.
No bubble.
No Alexei.
"Yuri!?" Estelle shot upright quickly, and immediately regretted it. In addition to the pounding in her head, she had a sense of vertigo that almost made her ill right there. She managed to force back the sense of nausea in favor of looking around instead. The unfamiliar surroundings shocked her thoughts into order, as she remembered the last few events. Yuri and everyone... they ...
Estelle swallowed back a lump in her throat, and rubbed at her eyes with a gloved hand instead. No crying. Not yet. "Where am I?...?" It wasn't the Heracles. It wasn't Zaphias... it wasn't anywhere she recognized in her travels with Yuri and the others. With some effort, she got to her feet, still feeling weak from her ordeal. Just the same, she didn't want to stay out in the open in unfamiliar surroundings. She didn't know if it was dangerous or not, and surely there were people somewhere...
"There's a light.." Estelle breathed a sigh of relief. "Maybe someone can help me ..." Her sword and shield still lay near her, so she carefully collected them. Setting her eyes ahead again, she took a breath and started forward, painstakingly slow...all the while unaware that she was being followed by creatures of malicious intent...