Ohh option a is what I want to do right now as well. Except I can't afford the four boxes of dye it would take, nor do I want to do the upkeep with my roots.
story timecablesleepFebruary 16 2011, 10:54:35 UTC
So I went down to the post office today to check my mail, obviously, and there were no parking spots and so I parked across the street. After I'd picked up my packages I came back outside and for whatever reason the street was suddenly busy. I waited for two cars to go by and then I was all LOL FUCK THAT and stepped out. There was only one other car coming I mean obviously I should have waited but anyway I just walked and looked at the guy in the vehicle like YOU'RE GOING TO STOP FOR ME and he really took his sweet time slowing down but in the end I did not die and was just a total bitch because I felt like it (I'd already stopped earlier to let a lady and her dog cross the street and as I am anti-pedestrian this was really nice of me) and that was my day. Oh and I got a book in the mail. Do you like how I hate pedestrians and willingly became everything I hate? Usually I park right beside the building so as to avoid that.
Comments 4
Do you like how I hate pedestrians and willingly became everything I hate? Usually I park right beside the building so as to avoid that.
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