Box yourself in with boundaries. As creative people, instinctively we feel we need to be free from any limitations. But in fact often the dizzyness of complete creative freedom is totally overwhelming. By imposing a few boundaries you automatically allow your creativity to become more inventive and work harder, than if you just said “make an icon”. Experiment with different degrees of limitation and watch your creativity thrive with the challenge.
Remind yourself of past glories. Creativity doesn’t die within us, although sometimes it feels like rigor mortis is well and truly set in. Remind yourself how creative you have been in the past, which means you can and will be creative again. List your top five all time proudest creative moments, and let yourself relive the memories and bask in the glow of what you achieved once again. You did this before, and you will reach similar and greater heights again.
Go somewhere you’ve never been | Go back to what you know
daynawashere | vampire_sessah | petite_tomate | absolutelybatty | fiendie
spg_spn_girls | eriolchan | library_of_sex | thewonderlife | endearest
tinebrella | alfiri | 12feethigh | appleindecay | nyaza
ofthesea | fulminant | spittingfish | earlydreams | fouroux
fuuurs | goreplz | wildpages | hopeitallaway | imaginarylives
Holi-Shit - Bjoern Ewers |
Untitled - Garmonique Processing Posters - JR Schmidt |
Links - Tatiana Plakhova Screamed Vegetables |
Screamed Famous
Inspiration Wallpaper Me and Lazarus by Iron and Wine |
Sombodies: A Youtube Orchestra by Gotye |
2011: The Aftermath by DJ McFly by pandavirus >
download | by lookslikerain >
download by endearest >
download Mellon ball surprise |
I demand a pancake |
Still be friends? |
Clairedelune Ocean five |
Vivacious |
Thought provoking |
Cheer up emo kid 14 Random Fonts Round 15: Ouroboros vs. The Phoenix
Ouroboros: Participants can reflect on their development of their icons across any time period of their choice. Consider: recreating old icons from the past, acknowledging icon maker, fandom or resource influences where they fit in or demonstrating the risks that they took along the way.
The Phoenix: Participants styles can symbolically "die" in the flames of the phoenix, and be reborn in the footsteps of the makers they love. Consider: demonstrating inspirations of icons they have long adored, overarching styles they have long loved or reflecting the style of the maker/makers they have long admired.
Feel free to pick and choose where you take the inspirations of this round, as well as your overall interpretation. Please feel free to move between being inspired by Ouroboros and The Phoenix, as you definitely aren't confined to completing one or the other, or even those suggestions we have offered. There is no set course that can be taken, and much like making an experimental or out of habit icon, there is freedom to take whichever path you wish.
+ All icons must be made specifically for this challenge, and by you.
+ Icons must be inspired by this post and its contents, and fit the theme laid out in this post.
+ Icons must be within LiveJournal standards (100x100 pixels, .png, .gif, or .jpg format; 40kb or less).
+ When you post your entry to the community, provide 3 examples and a cut (real or fake) leading to a public post.
+ Please take the time to look at other people's entries and leave feedback.
+ The
extra inspiration post can not be used as inspiration for icons. It is simply an extra place for you to develop an understanding of the theme.
+ Please remember to thank and credit the makers of any resources you find through this community.
+ Tagging guidelines are as follows: entries: yourusername, round: 15. Example: entries: rocketgirl2, round: 15
+ Your subject should be: Round 15: Ouroboros vs. The Phoenix
+ A list of participants and their claims can be found
here. Sign-ups will be open until the end of the round.
+ You may submit more than one set of icons for the round. However if you wish to submit more than one set, please note which set will be included in voting.
+ Your icons are due Saturday, the 20th of October at 11:59 pm EDT.