Round 18: Inspirations

Dec 31, 2012 22:00

Extremeadj.not usual; exceptionallike intense, ultimate, severe
not limited, mild, moderate

longerthanwedo | unbridledglee

fuuurs | rebel

atoms - bryan huynh ~ &more [NSFW]

thegrumpiest wolf ~ &more

Hidden (adj.)Kept out of sight and difficult to find; concealed
like clandestine, cryptic, imperceivable
not exposed, clear, obvious


by spud66cat > comment & download

spittingfish | realproof | afeastforme

Divide (v., n.)Separate or be separated into parts;

by nights > like & download



selline_s | hellododger | neversleeps | a-thari

image Click to view

Don't Fight It by The Panics > lyrics;a wide divergence between 2 groups

Curiosity (adj.)A strong desire to know or learn something
possibly about a strange or unusual object/fact


image Click to view

Anything Could Happen by Ellie Goulding > Lyricslike intrusive, inquiring, meddlesome
not indifference, disinterest, standard

kirtash_girl | annabobanna | deternot

Contradiction (adj.)

by a_symmetria > comment & download



A person, thing, or
situation in which
inconsistent elements
are present or one
that contains words
or ideas that oppose
each other.
conflict, opposite, incongruity

acceptance, approval, concession
The ear tends to
be lazy,craves the
familiar and is shocked
by the unexpected; the
eye, on the other hand,
tends to be impatient,
craves the novel and is
bored by repetition.
- W. H. Auden

Round 18: Expect the Unexpected.
When you begin, stick to the usual suspects: all the things you would normally do until BOOM you take the path usually less taken and smudge your canvas, add a new texture, or do something new and strange to your composition.

+ All icons must be made specifically for this challenge, and by you.
+ Icons must be inspired by this post and its contents, and fit the theme laid out in this post.
+ Icons must be within LiveJournal standards (100x100 pixels, .png, .gif, or .jpg format; 40kb or less).
+ When you post your entry to the community, provide 3 examples and a cut (real or fake) leading to a public post.
+ Please take the time to look at other people's entries and leave feedback.
+ The extra inspiration post cannot be used as inspiration for icons. It is simply an extra place for you to develop an understanding of the theme.
+ Please remember to thank and credit the makers of any resources you find through this community.
+ Tagging guidelines are as follows: entries: yourusername, round: 18, claim: yourclaim. Example: entries: rocketgirl2, round: 18, claim: Doctor Who
+ Your subject should be: Round 18: Your Claim Example: Round 18: Doctor Who
+ A list of participants and their claims can be found here. Sign-ups will be open until the end of the round.
+ Your icons are due Sunday, the 20th of January at 11:59 pm EDT. [Countdown]

&inspiration post, round: 18

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