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Jan 27, 2010 08:50


NAME: Sarah

AGE: 20


EMAIL ADDRESS: cageddemon@comcast.net

AIM SCREENNAME & MAIN PERSONAL LJ ACCOUNT: Universe Juice & universejuice



NAME: Tanaka Hajime


SERIES/SOURCE: Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan

AGE: 15


ROLE: Student

BACKGROUND: Hajime is the oldest of three brothers, born of two successful and known parents. His family was well known in their hometown of Yuuhi City, Japan, and as the eldest, he was expected to follow and learn in his parent’s shadow: their teachings of hard study, devout work and serious-minded devotion. He and his brothers, along the road to becoming young geniuses themselves, were enrolled in prestigious schools and cram classes, Hajime in particular under pressure to take over the family business when he became older.

Though Hajime did in fact prove to inherit the Tanaka family genius, excelling in school and his dedication to work, he didn’t feel entirely satisfied with the constant focus on academics. He was stressed, and while not exactly unhappy, he didn’t feel fulfilled or that he was accomplishing his full potential. However, he wasn’t good with sports or art, and his parents weren’t particularly patient with the idea of giving him time away from his studies when he didn’t even know what he was doing. So Hajime went on with his studies, discontent but resigned.

However, as Hajime made his way into adolescence, he started feeling that something odd was happening to his eyesight. He had needed to wear glasses since he was a small child, but this was different. He began noticing a sort of special… light around people, a flickering glow around them. In time, it focused to what looked like an ethereal flame, surrounding them. Some had bigger or brighter fires than others, but every person had their own, personal blazes that only Hajime could see.

He knew what this was. He had to be some sort of mutant. He wasn’t sure what to make of it, though, or what it all meant. Unwilling to risk the potential rejection of his parents, Hajime kept it a secret and continued on with his school life as normal.

It wasn’t long after this development, however, that Hajime encountered a startling individual on his way back from cram school one evening. A tall, thickset man in a ragged-looking uniform, with an inferno blazing about him, brighter and stronger than on anyone that Hajime had seen yet. Too amazed by this unparalleled sight, Hajime worked up the courage to approach this man, called Doumeki Kai: though the boy wasn’t exactly sure what he wanted to ask, Kai seemed to instantly know upon approaching what Hajime had in mind.

Kai, apparently, had a power much like Hajime’s, and he told the boy what he was seeing was actually a person’s willpower and strength. And those who had the ability to see that fighting spirit could also find ways to help that person’s willpower grow stronger, and more ready. Kai had discovered and mastered this technique on his own, years past, and had gathered a small number of individuals in the city that had that same power. They were a squad, dedicated to helping people when their faith was faltering.

This, Hajime thought, was exactly what he had needed. Something he was able to do, something that made him more special than just a number on a test. Something that would really make a difference. After so long feeling stuck and stagnant, it was as though there had finally been a space for him to break out, and it was with a sudden and fervid eagerness that Hajime insisted he be allowed to become a squadmember. Kai warned the boy that it wasn’t a simple task, one that required full faith, dedication, and surety. One couldn’t help another’s spirit if their own was not certain. Hajime didn’t listen; all that mattered was he had this opportunity to really see what he could accomplish.

The squad Kai ran was actually a team of Ouendan cheerleaders, a style of Japanese cheering. Their team was small, but determined, and devoted a huge amount of time to practice. Hajime had the cover of study groups and cram school to hide the time he spent learning and practicing with the team, suspecting his parents would not approve of such an extracurricular activity taking up time once devoted to studies. However, the change was easy to notice regardless; Hajime shaved his head overnight, and his personality was drawn out considerably. He voiced his opinions more readily, and many of them were not the sort of things some people had expected of the formerly quiet and ambitious student. His grades, though by no means poor, were not quite as perfect as previous.

Hajime worked hard to learn the cheering style, which was hard on his unathletically-developed body, learning how to really connect with another person’s fire and how to make those flames rise. He had been in the squad for several months when he was finally given permission from Kai to lead his own mission, in assisting a young man gain the focus to study hard for his college entrance exams. The parallels were lost on Hajime. What mattered to him was that, though it was touch-and-go at a few moments, he succeeded in assisting their target, who was accepted. The work had paid off, and Hajime had actually made a difference for someone.

But the Ouendan were not a subtle group. They were a group known within Yuuhi, not under close public eye but certainly recognized by many. Some viewed them as heroes, others as lunatics, but the point was that now they had a new member in their ranks, and word got around. The fact that their new member was the son of the Tanaka family made the word get around a bit wider, too, and soon Hajime’s parents knew exactly what had been responsible for their son’s odd behavior.

The Tanaka household was not unkind or cruel upon the revelation that their son was a mutant. His parents calmly explained to Hajime that they loved him just the way he was, and that being a mutant in no way changed who he was to them. He was just as much their bright, promising son as ever. But for his own benefit, both in studies and general ability, they thought it would be prudent that he went to the Xavier Institute, all the way over in America. Hajime argued; he had Kai and the rest of the Ouendan squad to help him learn to control his ability, going across the seas was a waste of time and money. His parents simply insisted that they couldn’t trust these other men, this squad of riffraff, to teach their son proper care and raise him into the respectable person he’d need to be later in life.

Predictably, Hajime wasn’t convinced by this explanation, but no protest he gave would convince his parents otherwise. Hajime planned to resist them, to run away if necessary, but then he was utterly startled by his mentor. When he told Kai of what they were trying to do, and that his pride as an Ouendan refused to leave, Kai simply told Hajime to go. An Ouendan, he said, was not bound by location, or who was with him. All that he needed was to be in a place where there were people, strong ones and ones who needed assistance alike. America had just as many people in need of help as Japan. So long as Hajime did not forget to stand strong and do his duty of helping, there would be no doubt of his pride.

That was what Hajime needed. Even if he wasn’t fully satisfied with the idea of leaving, even if he was bitter for being sent off by his parents and separated from his team, Hajime left for America, and the Institute. He’d fulfill his duty at the school.

PERSONALITY: Since his months with the Ouendan, Hajime’s personality has been shown to be something of a slightly… shall we say, excitable nature. Ouendan, Hajime knows, are very sure-footed, certain, never doubting themselves. And they are very, very manly. In his eagerness to prove that he was proper material for the squad, Hajime tried to bring out these qualities in himself. However, his version of being proud, sure, and manly is kind of to talk rather loudly, to be impulsive and not entirely think things through. People who are sure of themselves don’t need to worry about plans, right? They just do what feels right.

But for all his bravado and attempts to be a burning, prideful Ouendan, Hajime still is a born and bred thinker. He’s extremely intelligent, and when he’s not overthinking how he should be, he’ll fall back into his old ways of careful, thoughtful analysis of what the best option is. His conflicts of the more reserved nature he grew up as against the impulsive faith he is trying to stir in himself have led Hajime to be a bit confused as to what exactly his real self is.

He had always been the sort to become easily irritated, but the encouragement from his studies told him to just keep it quiet, which let Hajime keep some of his more impulsive nature inside and let the ways he judges and doubts others stew. So now that he has decided that he should not hold back his feelings, they’re coming out full force, and it’s clear just how poor he is with speaking to others, keeping his opinions of others rational and fair. It’s not that he’s mean or unkind, simply that he has few social skills and little patience for those who don’t have the same sort of way of understanding things as he.

APPEARANCE: Hajime’s on the short side, a young and unimpressive boy, thin and bespectacled, who has yet to really grow out of his babyface. The fact that said babyface is so often set in a growl of determination and MANLINESS makes it even harder for many to take him seriously. Though his physique is still on the scrawny side, the work that has gone into his training for the last few months have started to show benefit in his muscles gaining a bit of tone to them. Once upon a time he had black hair, but it’s now all shaved down to near-baldness, because THAT’S WHAT MEN DO.

As a sort of defiance to his being sent away from the rest of the squad, Hajime still insists on wearing his Ouendan uniform to the Institute, to show off just who he is and where his pride truly lies. It’s very MANLY.

POWERS: A person’s willpower has often been victim of the metaphor comparing it to fire. A burning spirit, a spark of confidence, the blaze of glory. For Hajime, though, these metaphors are literal; he can see how much confidence a person has, in the form of a fire surrounding them. A spirit burns brighter when a person is sure of themselves, when certainty or perhaps anger has bolstered their reserve. But if a person’s faith has dwindled and doubts creep in, then their fire can be reduced to mere embers.

Hajime has had some training in not only looking at that willpower, but also how to bolster it himself. He has learned the basics of stoking another person’s fire by heating up his own. For some reason it involves a cheer squad style involving firm stance, punching, and a lot of rallying cries. He doesn’t question it, you shouldn’t either.

A person with enough fire in their hearts can push themselves far beyond normal boundaries, to tasks that usually would be considered impossible. Hajime isn’t really that far yet, though; he’s still quite new, and just trying to keep his motivational techniques so that they’ll give the extra boost, without him getting caught up and actually making things worse.

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