Jan 18, 2005 01:47
Just wanted to let everyone know that me, kerim, david, nick, devin, cesca, and Janelle are all officially Jowlers, some may not know what that is but we do and went Jowlers blows up in a few months u'll know it was us how were pioneers...
Dec 12, 2004 16:20
i sort of want to give a big FUCK YOU to everyone including myself
Nov 30, 2004 22:58
So some guy wrote stuff on his livejournal about how he is in love with my girlfriend Caroline, and it came up on UPN 33. who could this person be??? hehehe... hint: he goes to gables
Poor kid...
Nov 29, 2004 21:35
SO whats been up...
Everyone seems to have the same fear...
it comes and goes...
some people seem to be in a perpetual downward intraverted spiral...
As for me, friends are the best, girlfriend is the best, teacher's rock, almost done with colleges,
I am L-I-V-I-N
The upcoming months are sure to be drastic, but mysterious...