Title: Letting Go
Chapter: Eleven - Intangible Distances, Invisible Truths
Authors: Vanilla Dear and Tangible Magic
Beta: Tangible Magic
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Harry/Draco
Spoilers: Half-Blood Prince
Disclaimer: Belongs to the wondeful JKR. No profit. Not mine. But if they were... *daydreams* Um, sorry? Where was I? Huh?
Summary: Dumbledore
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Comments 31
I like this...I really like this.
Don't know why, but this line struck me as cute...
Young Slytherins were really very bad at being sneaky.
And well, Seamus might not tell, but it doesn't sound like they were terribly discreet about the way they left the party.
Great job you two! Looking forward to the next chapter!
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