I have something interesting to post. Oh goodie. I just got fired from Meijer today. I guess you could say I quit, but the fact of the matter is, I walked out. My boss was apparently not happy that my coworker and I didn't get a chance to set ads last night. I told him that we were too busy closing the department and moving the skit that he asked us to move so we didn't set the ads. I told him somebody from this morning could do them. He then said that since nobody comes in the morning on Sunday (which is complete bullshit because I know the person who comes in Sunday morning) that they had to be set on Saturday night. Then I told him that if he wants the ads set Saturday night, then he should put a third person on our shift because with the extra work he gave us, there was no way we'd have time for ads. Then he said "I can't do that". So I asked him which was more important, ads or closing? And he said both. So I told him I can do one or the other, but not both w/o help. And he said I should be able to do both. So then we got into a huge argument over what I spent my time doing on Saturday, which was closing the department and helping out my coworker because she barely finished with my help.
In other words, he basically told me I wasn't working hard enough. Needless to say, I got pissed, yelled at him about how I'm not going to continue this shit w/o a pay raise. Yelled at him to be there and do it himself if he wants it done. And finally told him that if anybody should take responsibility for the inadequacy of the department, it should be him for not hiring an immediate team leader. Leadership at Meijer is like the antithesis of leadership in general -- no charisma, no hard work, and no listening to your employees. They sit on their asses all day in the break room and give orders -- then have the audacity to get pissed when things don't go their way. If you want shit done, do it yourself or at the very least help out whoever is working on it. He approached me at a bad time because I am man-PMSing right now, but even if I weren't, he went too far.
I fucking hate it when I'm told I'm not trying hard enough. I've never EVER been told that in my entire life as a student or worker. I pride myself on my ability to work hard, and it's the compliment I always receive whether it's in academia or work. The big difference is that it pays off in academia with grades. I'll be making $6/hour no matter how hard I work at Meijer.
So, I took my break, and then I approached my coworker, apologized to her, bowed, and told her it was a pleasure working with her. I asked her to relay the message to my other coworkers. I know they'll understand if the message is relayed. I feel sorry for the person that was working with me on Saturday. She was always happy to work with me because I worked so hard. She's elderly too, and she always gets treated like shit over there. If I didn't help her out, she would've gotten in trouble instead of me. I can't believe my boss expected her to lift those heavy displays and dispose of them. I'm more worried about my coworkers then my future job situation, but what can you do. Oh well.
In other news, I'm filling out that application for Japan right now. Besides the recommendations, it should only take me a few days to fill out. I also used filled out an application for Waldenbooks at Lakeside Mall and Kohls to unload trucks. Well, if I don't have to deal with people, I'll be happy. Retail sucks. :(