
Jun 26, 2005 02:34

My graduation party is this Tuesday, June 28, from 6 to 9ish at my mom's house. Ask for directions.

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Comments 3

adropintheocean June 26 2005, 21:25:56 UTC
Depending how far away Malden is from here, I'd like to come. I'm going away on Wednesday morning so I might not be able to stay for very long, but I think your graduation is something that merits celebration :)
My email address is in my profile if you'd like to give me the address/directions.
~the other Newman


integrate_me007 June 26 2005, 22:53:35 UTC
Ok, awesome.:) I'm not sure exactly where Westford is, but I know that Joelle and I live about 10-15 minutes apart.

P.S. I was astounded the other day at how friendly and outgoing you are. Very unlike me. I felt really awkward at first because it was so loud and there were so many people there, but as soon as I was able to actually sit down and carry on a conversation with people, it was fine. I'm really glad I got to meet you and some of Joelle's other friends.


adropintheocean June 26 2005, 23:31:57 UTC
I agree, it was really nice to meet people from out of town. I was kind of overwhelmed at first, but sitting down with various people was nice. I've decided I would like to do more things out of my own town this summer, because I felt more comfortable at that party where I didn't know a single person than at parties where I know everyone.
Send me those directions :)


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