it's 11:30 pm!

Nov 03, 2009 23:30

Visit NaBloPoMo

Hurry! I must hurry and post this before the end of this day!
But what? what can I say?

I could rhyme a line or two for you
Or type the lyrics to a song.
Dance a jig on my keyboard keyes
Typing while I dance along:
h3479JDFKL9sdjhKSJ23W9JS28S4864231AS BSDNAS9NKJjsiow

Which isn't much fun
For you or for me
Because I can't dance
And you couldn't see.

Instead I'll drink my night cap, please
And beg your pardons too.
I was shopping for the groceries
Forgetting about my priorities
So grease my knees and fleece my bees
(hats to Shel, we love you!)
Now click "submit", Adieu!

nablopomo, poetry

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