
Dec 29, 2004 20:31


Basic Info

1) Name: Alyial
2) Sex: Male
3) Birthday: 21.June.1990
4) Location: Grand Forks, ND (I was born in ireland and raised between Ireland and Russia. I am not an American Citizen)

Current Issues

What do you think about:
5) World Involvement in Iraq: I feel that Iraq posed no threat to anyone. A revolt would have come from their own people soon enough, so for america and its allied countries to step in without being asked was ludacrous. The United Nations was handling the situation, and even Bush himself has since stated that no, there never were WMD in the country. I am one of those odd people who is amused that the deployment into iraq was originally called Operation Iraqi Liberation (oil...), but I know that more than likely that was some stationists plot to try to besmudge the name of Bush for his own amusement. Regardless, I feel that the involvement of outside sources in a country to try to "liberate it" is bullshit. If the country does not hold the same values as another does not mean it is wrong.

6) Cloning and Stem Cell Research: I believe that cloning can do wonders for stem cell research. When the source presents itself why not allow the world to use it. This creates many more ways to study all the effects of cloning as well as possibly gaining ways to help the human race.

7) Same-Sex Marriage: I am gay. My feelings on same sex marriages is that it is my right as a human being to be allowed the same benefits as well as the silly little piece of paper if I so chose to want it. I feel that no one has the power to take away my rights as a human being. I should be allowed the privlage of having the same insurance as my lover, the privelege of owning a house with my lover, the privlage of keeping custody of our children should anything happen to him. Those are small things many straight couples take for granted that I, as a gay male, have no right to. I feel it is ridiculous that this is even an issue. The only grounds for denial that I have seen are religious resons. There is a lovely thing in America as well as many other countries of the seperation of church and state. You are not allowed to rule my life based on your bible. I may or may not believe in your god, so what does his bearings have on me if I deam him unreal? No bearings.. yet by your laws that are wanted to be made, I will have to bow down to something that I may or may not see as an illusion of your imagination. It is down right wrong. All in all same-sex marriages should be allowed based on the principal of human beings. I am human, so are you, let us all have equal rights.

8) Internet Filesharing: No one can put a limit on creativity, but filesharing should be limited. Maybe not to the extremes that many people are trying to make it, but artists make a living on the royalties that they recieve from each album bought.

9) The Death Penalty: I am unsure whether I am for or against this. I feel that if someone kills.. what are we teaching by killing him? Would it be more of a punishment to keep him alive but in jail? Is that cruel and unusual punishment? How can someone gage who is to die and who is not? But like I said, I see the argument as well for killing the killer. I sit on the fence on this one.. straddling only because I honestly have no clue what I feel is right here.

10) The Quality of Journalism and the Need for Truth in News: All journalism sways one way or the other. The need for truth in news should be there. It is very much needed but it is rediculous to think that the truth will be reported 100% of the time. Jounalism is much like the news. It only reports the bad as well as what the publisher feels is adequate and well reflected news pieces based on their opinions. While it has it's good points, Journalism is very subjective to the culture and community from which it comes.

11) New Cabinet Appointees: I am unsure as to how to answer this. I am not American by birth, so I am not sure what cabinents you are talking about. I know this is a political thing but I am unable to put a face with a name. I apologize.

12) Religious Zealots: I feel that everyone has a right to their own religion. Just do not force it upon me or get in my face with it. To each their own.


13) Name a book or movie that changed your life, or at least really made you think. Why (or How)? "What Happened To Lani Garver" by Carol Plum-Ucci. This book made me think incredibly. hard about life and how it all plays out for a reason. It touched on the subject of angels among us. About things that only a few would understand. It also gave the reasoning behind how people act in certain situations and why.

14) Name 3 books you have read in the last year (be honest): "What Happened to Lani Garver" by Carol Plum-Ucci, "The Body of Christopher Creed" by Carol Plum-Ucci, "The Perks of Being a Walflower" by Stephen Chbosky.
15) Who is your favorite artist and why? (Yes; this is a very broad question. It could be a painter, musician, actor, writer, ect.) J.M. Barrie. He wrote the endless classic Peter Pan. This is probably my favourite book and movie. I just think anyone who can write such a novel is a great artist and should be well commended.
16) Cite a quote or song lyric that relates to you or your life and explain why:
yesterday is a wrinkle on your forehead
yesterday is a promise that you've broken
don't close your eyes, don't close your eyes
this is your life and today is all you've got now
yeah, and today is all you'll ever have
don't close your eyes
don't close your eyes

this is your life, are you who you want to be
this is your life, are you who you want to be
this is your life, is it everything you dreamed that it would be
when the world was younger and you had everything to lose

This song is very powerful for it asks the questions no one wants to. Are you happy with who you are? This is a song I am trying to live with everyday. Am I who I want to be? This is my life and I am the only one in control of it.

About You

17) Label your political standpoint: I suppose on American systems it would be democratic. I am a strong believer in pro-choice as well as pro-same-sex marriages.
18) If had to dedicate yourself to one issue or cause, what would it be? Dyslexia. I am dyslexic as and feel that many people underestimate the abilities of people who have this disorder.
19) If you could meet anyone (dead or alive), who would it be and why? Probably the last Czar of Russia Nicholas the second. I have had a slight obsession with him and his family since I learned about them in Russian history 3 in grade school. I would love to be able to talk to him about who he was and the plight of his family. I would also like to hear about some of the ideas he had that never got to be implemented because of his death.
20) If you were to die today, what would have been your greatest achievement? As of today? Being the best person I know how to be. I would love to be remembered for my music and my writing.
21) What are you passionate about? Same Sex Marriage/equal rights. I just find it hurtful all the things I know that I have gone through for being homosexual. I do not want future generations to have to go through the same things.
22) What disgusts you more than anything? Ignorance. Plain and simple.
23) If you had to choose, who would you rather let die: 100 cute puppies, or 1 grimy homeless man? 100 cute puppies. A person is a person, no matter how small (Dr. Seuss, "Horton Hears a Who")
24) How do you measure success? Internal acceptance as the best you can do.

Further Thinking

25) Are humans alone in the universe? No. To think that with all the other planets as well as the other galaxies that exist without our knowledge is ignorant.
26) Who was Shakespeare, really? I believe that Shakespeare was a compilation of 3 or 5 different writers. I do not believe that it was one single man.
27) What is the meaning of life? the meaning of life is in the eye of the beholder. I think that personal choice means that you chose your meaning of your own life.
28) Can there be love without hate, and vice versa? No. for one to exist you must experience the complete opposite to understand what you are experiencing in the first place.

3 Favorites

29) Books
1. "Shattered Mirror" Amelia Atwater-Rhodes
2. "What Happened to Lani Garver" Carol Plum-Ucci
3. "The Perks Of Being a Walflower" Stephen Chbosky

30) Movies
1. Peter Pan (2003)
2. Finding Neverland
3. Cheaper By the Dozen


31) What did you think of this application? It was quite in depth, but I did like it.
32) Where did you find out about this community?
33) You must promote [info]intellect_ in 3 communities or 6 personal journals. This is not optional. If you fail to do this, your post will not be accepted. Give the link(s) here so that this can be verified:
*3 comms*

(This used to be optional, but it is now required) 3-6 Pictures of you or things that represent you:
I guess I will go on with three pics of me. Understand that I know I look like I am about 10 years old, please do not use this against me. That has nothing to do with my intellect.

^^ Me now

^^ me a few months ago.. or such.

^^ Me a while ago as well.
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