Busy Weekend

Sep 07, 2008 22:05

Lots of stuff, figure I'll make a short post of it all to just get it out. I'll start with the bad, end with the good.

Last night I came back with Tex around 12:30 or so, planning on watching The Hills Have Eyes, but first I wanted to give Butterscotch something to eat-oh, and he's a he btw lol-so, I picked him up from the pillow he'd been sleeping on for like forever and set him down in front of the food, and he just...flopped over.

He was drooling like crazy, this awful smell. His eyes were glazed and half open, his tongue just sticking out of his closed mouth, and he was completely unconscious. It was terrible. Tex searched the net for a few minutes but not very long, so I finally took over and found two possibilities for his symptoms-poisoning or something called acute collapse, that sometimes last for seconds or hours.

Banking on poisoning first, I looked up what to do with kittens in this situation. It said to induce vomiting, so I got out the hydrogen peroxide and did just that. They say to walk it around a bit or gently rub its stomach to get the peroxide to mix with the stomach's contents and then it'll take 15-20 minutes to work. All the while I'm trying to deal with my drunk mother who calls me 400 different times, talking about wanting to come home and see the kitten since its sick or whatever. She's freakin' way the hell out in BFE, like 45 mins away and drunk. I told her just that and she was like, I think I'm sobering up. I can drive home. Then she proceeds to tell me that, oh wait, the bed is spinning so she'd rather sit up. Uh, pretty sure that equals drunk. Finally I convinced her to let it go and stay there. Then, about a half hour later almost my aunt calls, needing a designated driver.

We took Butterscotch along and once we got back to my place we decided to try the peroxide again, because it says to try twice, but no more. Just as I'm pouring the peroxide down the kitten's throat it totally came to. Seriously, it went from dead cat to pissed the hell off. It was a little loopy for almost an hour, running into walls and what not. But, eventually he seemed okay and he spent today completely normal and adorable! <3


She spent most of this afternoon once she got home making me miserable-which is not new- and embarassing me in front of Tex. She kept bitching at me about how lazy I am, I'll never take care of this cat, I need to get a job to help her pay off the car insurance, etc. I had the biggest headache, I just turned around and told her I wasn't any of her fucking business anymore, or her concern. This is not her house, she does not pay my bills, and I am not a child. I told her this is my grandmother's house and she is the only one with any say over my life besides myself, and this is not only because she lets me live here (though in all fairness and in her consideration as well, I more than earn my keep and she would rather have me here than not), as well as because she would help if I really needed her to. That was completely my decision to let my grandmother have say, but my mother has none, and so she best mind her own business. And then when she got in my face about a job, I told her why don't you get one? I have school and family to deal with, all of which would be so much harder if I did have a job at the moment.I lost a bit of my cool, but definitely did not go off on her like I wanted to. That of course did not help though and she spent the next half hour or so embarrassing me in front of Tex. Including to the point she actually 'tattled' on me to my grandmother, which was seriously embarrassing. In the end, she left for a bit. She came back later while we were trying to look over school registration things and stuff and asked what I was planning on doing.

Despite being tempted to tell her off about having to give up my own plans for college once again because of her, I simply told her I was going for my degree in Engineering at a local community college. Her only response to this? "Oh, good. You'll be getting your student loans again and you can help me pay off the car insurance."

Uh, excuse me?

Shouldn't there be something more along the lines of congratulations or I'm so proud? SOMETHING besides good, give me more money? She already owes me over $700 she has decided I'm lying about and she does not owe me. Then she spent the rest of the night harassing me and reminding me how lazy and irresponsible I am. I'm surprised she didn't get back on her kick about how selfish and self-centered I am, but oh well. She's finally gone to bed and shut the hell up.


I aced both finals! And in both classes got an A-. :) Now I just have to contact my financial adviser again to make sure the Plus Loans went through and paid off my final classes so I can get my transcripts and diploma sent to me. Then on to the stressful job of registration, apartment hunting, and grants/loans/scholarships. Although, if I remembered to do my Bright Futures Scholarship thing from high school-which my school was supposed to do automatically for us-it will pay for 100% of my tuition. :D Stupidly enough though, apparently I COULD have used it for the University of Phoenix and saved myself a couple thousand. *sigh* I'm so blonde sometimes.


Earlier this week she made me a pretty nice card for Graduation and then yesterday when she showed up to color and watch movies brought me a cake she'd baked for me with the word GRAD across it. :D She also gave me this really sweet present.

So, I'ma go talk to Katelyn and post some new pics of Lucky Butterscotch and attempt to write! :D


Oh, and btw? Sadly I missed the game, well both games, but my high school lost Friday night. :( And FSU? WE KICKED SO MUCH ASS! WOOT! :D

69-0, baby! :D

Our quarterback is kickin' so much ASS this year! I LOVE HIM! This may be our year!

busy weekend, rl, updates

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