Title: For You Only
Characters: Marcus Flint/Katie Bell
Prompt number: 153 - “He told her he loved her, she thought it was a joke. It had to be. Right?”
Word Count: ~9.7K
Rating: R (M)
Warnings: Het sex (not explicit, but on-screen), Profanity (explicit), Reference to rape (not on screen), Capture and enslavement (not at all graphic)
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Comments 5
“On my soul, Katie, all I do is for you. For you only.” Oh my! Hearts in eyes swooning here ...
“Jesus, fuck! What have you been doing over the years, Flint-weightlifting Erumpents?” I legit snort-laughed out loud at this!
And what a beautiful last line-- great note to end on. Thank you so much for sharing this with us!
Totally going on a whim here but I'm really hoping the "Kirkwall" mention was a dragon age reference. If not, I'm totally lying to myself anyway and insisting it is! Haha
Wonderful job, love! Truly.
“Someone’s overdosed on the Patented Daydream Charms again, I can see.”
“I still want and like you,” he admitted, moving over some more. “More than like.”
That was both sexy and made me laugh out loud.
Your Katie is very feisty, just as a Gryffindor should be, and I love that you made her a person of color. So original! Your Marcus makes me drool. I want one.
Great story!
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