Age:17 (till july!)
Sex: grrl
Location: bynum, north carolina
Nationality: american, irish, cuban, german, french, british
Religion: catholic atheist. for real.
Type of music: o.o hard to classify just one.....but I mainly like indie rock, "all things down-tempo, mellow, & chill", roots rock, punk, etc...
Bands/Singer: pink floyd, radiohead, calla, ryan adams, grateful dead, the shins, grandaddy, le tigre, julie ruin, placebo, eels, dandy warhols, I'll stop now, but more. my cd collection: if you really must know what i own. ;p
Foods: mexican, pasta, indian, pineapple, cucumber, cilantro, smoothies, COFFEE
Holidays: thanksgiving, friends' birthdays
Animal: dog, grizzly bear, ocelot
Color: PURPLE. oh yes.
Books: The Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold, Redneck Manifesto by Jim Goad, Days of War & evasion by CrimeThinc, The Bell Jar by Plath, Girl by somebody, The Torn Skirt by Rebecca Godfrey. Torn Skirt is the ultimate favorite. it rocks.
Games: games meaning...? there's this cool retro board game called "Gold", one of my friends has it and we've played since's made by Milton Bradley i think, but is no longer made. I've been looking for it forever. sooooo fun.
Egyptian Ratscrew/Egyptian War is fun too. (card game).
Sports: track, cross country
If you had only 24 hours to live, what would you do?: i would go to a music festival and spend the day dancing and listening to music and hearing the life stories of strangers...altho of course i'd go with my friends....and maybe a pretty boy as well...
If you were a school teacher, what subject would you want to teach, and why? i would teach photography, because I love it, and I'd want my students to love it too!
How would you describe yourself overall in 10 or less words?: "quirky" (a friend's word), barista, photographer, happy, mellow, music-lover, independent, liberal, generous, dark-haired
What would you do if someone just randomly flicked you off?: laugh and flick them off. or, if i was driving, i'd speed up and pass them. so THERE.
If you were a color, what color would you be and why? purple, cuz it's my favorite color, and it seems very relaxed and life...
How old do you want to be when you die? i want to live a long long time, as long as i can. But if I could be one age for the rest of my life till I die, I might be 23 forever.
You have three wishes. How would you use them up?:
1. i wish i was living on my own.
2. i wish evil didn't exist. (cheesy, i know, but seriously. i do wish.)
3. i wish i understood myself.
Your thoughts on..
Homophobia: fuck homophobics. you can't not tolerate another person's way of life.
Abortion: pro-choice aaaaaaalll the way, baby! i went to the March for Choice in DC and it was amazing. i don't think the govt should make laws and make choices about our bodies. i want the right to choose for myself, even if i'm making a wrong choice, that's MY mistake. not your business.
Sex Ed: Sex Ed should be comprehensive and allow for all options. Not telling kids about sex is not gonna stup them from doing it. So at least give them all the facts and prepare them as much as they can so they can make informed decisions for themselves. Abstinence may be effective, but it is NOT the only option.
Love: something I don't understand. I can't pretend to. I don't think I've truly experienced it...I do love my friends, and I understand and treasure that. But "true love"...I'm just not there yet.
Hate: sucks. i wish it just didn;t exist. especially unjustified hate, there's way too much of that about.
Vegetarianism: way cool. i've always wanted to go veggie, but I just need the protein too much, plus I don't wanna commit to that right before i go off to college and maybe have not so many options for dining hall food. but really, i don't even like meat that much. i'm seriouslay considering it. not vegan tho.
Religion: religion is...a tough one. I love love LOVE how it shows the boundless faith of the human spirit...and the human connections that can be made thru love and faith. And I love that it allows people some direction in their lives. I only wish I could believe in that way. But I don't. I figured that out for myself sometime during my teens. I'd like to be able to put my trust in something so intangible...but religion doesn't do it for me. But I respect other people's religions, and I don't think religion is necessarily a bad thing, as long as it isn't imposed unnecessarily on those who do not embrace it.
Pedophilia: EW. Bad. Pedophilia flat out sucks. no no no no NO.
Word Association
beauty: in the eye of the beholder
rating: movie
judge: this case they had in the paper today where the judge was like "no i can't allow them (gay couple in durham) a marriage license, cuz thats not a case for this court". but he wasnt dismissing it for the wrong reasons, he was totally right about the court.
squirrel: stealing ppls lunches at school
sentimental: kristy robertson...1st grade best friend...never seen since i switched schools :(
rape: survivors
Summer: music, road trips, new jobs
homework: blecccccchhh
sadness: february-april 2004. sigh.
girls: who like boys
boys: in girl jeans
ghetto: durham
promote to: many many friends' journals!