New here

May 02, 2004 19:31


Name: Yoko Eiko Darrow. Yeah. My name rhymes horribly.
Age: 18
Location: Michigan
Nationality: Jewish/Polish, mixed with some Cuban (1/4)
Religion: Buddhist


Type of music: Metal. It's got so much going on, you can get lost in it, and when it's well done it is breathtaking.
Bands/Singer: Lacuna Coil, Opeth, the Gathering and Porcupine Tree are my fave bands. I am an opera freak as well, so I love Josh Groban, and the late Madeline Kahn.
Foods: I love food, period. Cantonese and Arabic foods are my favorite though.
Holidays: Halloween. It's just silly fun...unless most of your circle of friends are Pagan. Then it's not-so-silly fun.
Animal: Cats. They're graceful, and they obey only themselves for the most part. Cats are just...awesome.
Color: Red. I just LOVE the color red.
Books: The Catcher in the Rye, the Bell Jar and Slaughterhouse Five, although a tad goth-clichied by now, are still my favorite books.
Games: I love video games, especially final fantasy. I just love to role play. Also, good old fashioned Monopoly is great too.
Sports: I'm not a big sports fan. I instead like to sit and watch paint dry, grass grow, and my dishes pile up in the sink. It's like a game.


If you had only 24 hours to live, what would you do?: This is going to sound crude, but I would have to have sex at least three times before I went. It's not that I'm a sex pervert, I just like sex a lot. Then I would want to go swimming, because I love that, and eat a lot of food. So...I would pretty much live a normal day.
How would you describe yourself overall in 10 or less words?: I am a: Big, beautiful, intelligent, feisty, self-assured, smart-alek, buxom woman.
What would you do if someone just randomly flicked you off?: Smirk, knowing that person was getting a lot more negative karma than I am. Or I'd flip them off back. Either way.
You have three wishes. How would you use them up?: I would wish first for my dream home, and enough money to comfortably live, finish college and law school, and to support my future family. Secondly, I would wish that every third world country in need of money suddenly would have it. And Third, I would wish for a time machiene, so if I screwed up, I could go back and fix it.

Your thoughts on..

Homophobia: pisses me off. As a twin sister of a gay male, and the baby sis of a male to female transexual, who is a lesbian, I feel as though the gay community is really my own. I want to work in gay, lesbian and transgendered rights for the ACLU as a lawyer eventually.
Abortion: I would not personally choose to have an abortion, but I do not feel that any person has the right to tell a woman what she can and cannot do with her own body. That is, until, after the first trimaster. After that, unless there is a medical reason, the woman should not be allowed to abort.
Sex Ed: Why not? Kids have to find out somehow. As a future parent, however, I would prefer to teach my kids about sex myself. School just tells you to not get knocked up. It doesn't teach children that sex can be beautiful and wonderful, at the right time with the right person.
Love: I am in love. Love is a wonderful thing. That, or it kills you. It's proven that people and animals die after a certain amount of heartbeats. What does love do? It speeds up your heart. Therefore, love KILLS YOU. However...a life without love, although longer, seems almost empty.
Hate: I don't like hate. Hate is bad, but it is around, and it has to be acknowledged. As a heriditarily Jewish woman whose grandparents dealt firsthand with the hatred of Hitler (they were in camps), I know that hate can do a few things. Hate can kill you, or make you stronger. You just have to know how to handle it, and help to wipe it out.
Vegetarianism: Eh, whatever. I eat meat. It's okay with me if others do not.
Religion: Religion is good so long as it is not forced on anyone. I once had a girl scold me for saying on an application that I am a Buddhist, and that Buddhists to not believe in a god. She told me that since she was a Christian, she felt sorry that my soul was damned. Now, thats bullshit. Not all Christians are like this, I know, my boyfriend is Catholic, but those individuals who judge, go against a Christain code: Judge not, lest ye be judged. She judged me, she called me a heathen. I am judging her, as I see her as narrowminded.
Pedophilia: Ew. Just ew.

Word Association

beauty: is only skin deep
rating: communities
judge: not
squirrel: banter
rape: is fucking bad, and rapists deserve the chair
sadness: dog
ghetto: booty, lol

Hope you liked the ap. Also, I would be willing to moderate if and when someone needs help.
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