Name: NicoL
Age: 16
Location: Houston Texas
Nationality: Native American/French
Religion: Christian
Type of music: Alternative, Rock, Punk, Emo, Hip Hop
Bands/Singer: Finger 11, Chillies, Adema, Amiel, Yellowcard.... and many many more
Foods: Flamin' Hot Cheetos Asteroids, La Madeline TOmato Basil Soup, Pizza, Canned Aspargus
Holidays: Halloween, Valentines
Animal: Lion
Color: Pink
Books: Annies Baby, Smack, White Oleander
Games: hide and seek, sims
Sports: BMX
If you had only 24 hours to live, what would you do?: Spend them with my boyfriend, and family, and id give all my things to poor people and such... id make sure the people i loved knew i loved them, and id take a picture of myself with each one
How would you describe yourself overall in 10 or less words?: unique, outgoing, bitch, obsessed, calm, mellow, love, soft, mistake, water
What would you do if someone just randomly flicked you off?: do a fake shocked face, smile and wave ... and if im in a really good mood, go introduce myself
You have three wishes. How would you use them up?: one id wish for 4 beautiful children when i grew up, and the ability to move things with my mind, and id give the third with to my boyfriend, to do with, what he pleases
Your thoughts on..
Homophobia: most of the homophobics are only homophobic because they where unable to please a member of the same sex at one point or another, where insulted, and became macho... yet still get a little homo play on the side
Abortion: SHOULD BE BANISHED FROM THIS EARTH!!!!!!!!!!!! situation a.) Girl was rapped, got pregnant... they should make a sergery that takes the fetus and gives it to someone who wants to carry the baby... b.) condom broke .... FUKIN CARRY THE BABY ... PAY FOR YOUR CHEAP ASS AND YOUR CHEAP CONDOMS!!! give it up for adoption if you have to but dont u DARE kill a child that did NOTHING wrong... why should it pay for what YOU DID WRONG? c.)cant afford a child... u wanna know how many people are waiting for newborns? MANY MANY MANY!!! and you should of thaught of that before u didnt use a condom or w/e because it doesnt FEEL as good ... sick fuks, kill children, i think the ONLY way a child should be aborted is if it had no chance of leading a normal life (mentally or physically)
Sex Ed: should be more hands on
Love: is beautiful, when your in it
Hate: is unavoidable
Vegetarianism: is cool, i wish i could have the self control to do it
Religion: is your choice, believe what u wish, but i really do hope there is a heaven
Pedophilia: ... Priests, Michael Jackson... Sickos, i Sware...
Word Association