Name: Kayleigh.
Age: 21.
And hru feeling today? SO TIRED. Probably due to the New Year's boozing last night. XD
Positive traits: Resilient, honest, loyal, creative, helpful.
Negative traits: Timid, insecure, neurotic, jealous, unstable.
Simple/Complicated: Complicated.
Clean/Messy: Clean, mostly.
Old/New: New.
Modern/Traditional: Modern.
Colorful/Plain: Colourful, but not obnoxiously so!
Different/Familiar: Familiar.
Competitive/Laid back: Competitive!
What web browsers on this list have you used? What do you use currently?: I've used all except Chrome & Safari, & right now I use Firefox. ^^
Are there any that you do not wish to be stamped as?: I'm... really not fond of Netscape. XD
Anything else?: Thanks for reading! ♥
Did you vote on all the unstamped applications?: Yep!
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