"Sun is in the Sky Oh Why Oh Why Would I Want to be Anywhere Else?"

Jun 21, 2007 04:54

The following is an update of my life.

This August I will be attending Reed College in Portland Oregon.

Everything else is in the pictures.


I fell in love with school this year. The workload was impossible, but the people were astounding.

5th Period AP Government

The best teacher I've ever had.

3rd Period Honors Physics

"JP" is our dedication to the most beautiful teacher we will ever have.

3rd Period Goofy Face Club! Also, Dave D. agreed to marrying me post-college.

7th Period AP Calc

The greatest collection of people I love in one classroom.

6th Period Italian 4H

During our Italian final, Joanna was roller blading around our room and the computer lab.

I will NEVER have a class half as great as this one. Amici per la vita!

(I use the term as loosely as possible.) Snakes on Uncre Porty has already played 2 graduation parties and just got asked to do another. I don't know why.

Yes, I am still as bad of a singer as I always was.

Relay for Life 2007

We were The Chers: Turnin' Back Time on Cancer, winners of second best costumes

Sam, Porty and I started our annual Venga Boys dance party, and got 30 kids to dance to the same song on repeat for an hour.


Fine Arts Week

"Seasons of Love" One of the acts I was in for the talent show. I'm hidden behind Arielle on piano.

Keith Potts causes standing ovations.


I rekindled old friendships.

I made great friends with people I didn't even know existed.

Matt Labunski

My yearbook entry for him.

There are so many people I will never forget.

And so many I will always be friends with.

For the time being, I'm just having fun.


If you at all contributed to my high school experience, I sincerely thank you.
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