Apr 12, 2010 03:06

NAME: Elle
AGE: old
JOURNAL: thissun
E-MAIL: tyrannical.alien at the gmails
RETURNING: I play 4-- Jaime Reyes, Clark Kent, Soldier Blue, und Salaak the Green Lantern

CHARACTER NAME: Zelgadis Greywords
FANDOM: Slayers
CLASS: Self-proclaimed heartless swordsman, actual stiff-lipped straight man jerk with a heart of gold (how many tropes can I put in one sentence)
ALTER EGO: Zelgadis Greywords: the butt of every joke ever

In a world of swords, sorcery, and slapstick, Zelgadis sports a rather tragic history. As a youth, he craved strength (to help others, as EVOLUTION-R reveals), and his great grandfather, infamous Rezo the Red Priest, obliged happily! By...subjecting his nephew to the hideous experimentation magic involved to create a chimera--a creature made up of a combo of different ones (like a platypus except usually more sinister). In Zel's case, it was a blend of rock golem and brau demon. Needless to say, it was Very Traumatic, and now Zelgadis' sole motivation in the show is to find a way to reverse it (and maybe get some revenge on the side if his great-grampa wants to stay alive long enough to get killed).

Sometime during his endless quest for the cure, he studies various magic arts--black magic, shamanism, and a bit of white magic for healing backup. He became quite the swordsman, too, as well as a rather scholarly vagabond! He seems to have a great deal of knowledge of the world's ancient lore (at least, what's available to know), which he uses to hunt down that o-so-elusive cure.

While Rezo is still alive, though, he finds himself stuck working under him under the false promise that if he helps retrieve the Philosopher's Stone, Rezo will restore Zel's body. He plays hitman/gofer for Rezo, chasing down Lina Inverse, the sorceress supreme that got hold of aforementioned stone. Through hijinks and backstory discussion. Zel winds up turning against Rezo and joining Lina (kinda; he doesn't like to ~affiliate). When Rezo goes all Final Boss Battle Demon God Mode, he teams up with Lina and Gourry to put a stop to that nonsense. His role was mostly to cast about four cool spells, get set on fire, and then step back and let Lina show everyone how shit gets done. The rest of the season carries on, I haven't seen that half but it has something to do with clones, he does stuff, a city gets blown to kingdom come, clones and a demon beast die, we move on.

When season two kicks in, Lina and co. bump into Zel yet again after a brief separation and yep, he's still questing for a cure. This time his sights are set on something called the Claire Bible, said to be the knowledge of the god Ciepheed, which is virtually all the knowledge of the world. Lina and co., being the gloryhungryaltruistic friends they are decide they're gonna tag along, and do so, and just as it was starting to look like a season of Let's Help Zel, the plot thickens and now they're chased by monsters who want Lina dead for reasons yet to be explained. Zel bitches, but follows along on promise they'll keep looking for that bible.

Hijinks ensue, and by the middle of the season, still no luck on getting that manuscript. Thanks to the trickster demon Xelloss, the group has been on wild goose chases a-plenty, some involving dressing up in special ways. By this point, Zel has suffered the indignities of being used as a boat anchor, dressed as a bunny, and cross-dressed as a strangely-attractive woman (and crushing on a maiden girl who then turns out to be a male crossdresser himself--fuck his life). Luckily for Zel, however, once the fake boobs are removed the plot is ready to shift into end-of-season mode and shit gets real. The group journeys to a valley of golden dragons that guards the Claire Bible and lets Lina get a glimpse into it (ZEL GETS NOTHING; JUST FIGHTS WITH MORE MONSTERS--fuck his life).

Demon Dragon god Gaav shows up with his ugly orange trenchcoat and giant eyebrows and procedes to spank the group hard. Zel gets seriously wounded protecting hero-worship-crazy Amelia and spends a good protion of that fight down for the count, once again giving Lina the chance to show us all how it's done. Hellmaster Phibrizzo shows up, announces he's been trolling everyone for his own gains, kills Gaav with a finger snap, kidnaps Gourry, and basically says that if Lina doesn't cast a spell that summons a god of chaos into the world, he'll kill him and stuff. Baw.

The remaining group heads off to the city that was blown up in s1 that has been resurrected zombie-style because Phibrizzo just likes fucking with people. Zel spends a lot of that time fighting said zombies while feeling kind of bad about it maybe. Then he and the others arrive at the big boss lair and he's killed to piss Lina off into casting that spell. Woops.

Well, after Gourry's life is threatened, Lina goes all great golden god of chaos mode, whacks Phibbers, and restores everyone back to life (convenient!). Stuff happens that has nothing to do with Zel, and the show ends. He goes off his own way, though, 'cause when s3 kicks in they all meet up randomly after an unspecified amount of time.

This time some dragon priestess named Filia picks Lina and co to fufill a mission of destiny and worldsaving! Zel is actually along for the ride because, surprise surprise!, they have to travel to a new part of the continent and THERE MAY BE A CURE OMG. So yeah. Hijinks ensue, nowhere near as soul-crushing as s2, but aggravating nonetheless.

He doesn't do too much that stands out other than showing off some thievery abilities and his gifts for navigation and the emo guitar, but he does get to weild a badass weapon of light before the season ends. And then he's seen travelling into the desert with a trinket from little Princess Amelia. Doop.

There you go!

Zel has a bit of a vanity problem, truth be told. He's arrogant to a bit of a fault, but he knows better than to bite off more than he can chew. That is, unless you're waving that elusive cure in his face--then all bets are off and friend and foe alike are kicked to the curb for his own pursuits. Curing his condition is pretty much his big motivator, but it doesn't keep him from getting involved in some evil god slaying and whatnot. He concedes to said slaying mostly on the grounds that it'll seague him to his cure finding somehow (cause one cannot find a cure if the world blows up yanno).

He likes to consider himself a cool, heartless swordsman, and yeah. He can be all of those things sometimes--even all at once! But more often than not, he is the grumbly, disinterested straightman who rolls his eyes at the absurdity around him and impatiently demands to get back on task, usually leaving on his own when shit doesn't go his way. He can get cocky, too, especially in a duel or fight he feels he's got the advantage in.

That...all goes to shit when put in compromising and humilating positions. Try and try as he might, if someone can dangle that cure or incentive over his face, homeboy will indeed stuff a bra and wear the lipstick for the cause. Bitching and moaning the whole way, of course. He pities himself a LOT, sometimes to the point of being emotastically obnoxious, but thankfully we have a supporting cast to hit him in the face with something when it gets out of hand.

There's a good person under that rocky exterior (lol) though. He won't engage in anything he finds morally wrong, won't kill innocents or be cruel to women (unless they're jerks first, I suppose, if Lina's any indiciation). Sure, he freelances mercenary work to pay his curehunting bills, but he's not as blackhearted as he advertises himself to be. He actually has a bit of a quasi-secret crush on Princess Amelia, though her overwhelming peace-and-justice personality seems to rub him a little harshly. Through the course of the show's seasons, though, you can see him becoming more and more submissive to her whims. Whipped? Oh, in due time, I'm sure. Unless he grows out of it--he does tend to take those long, solo journeys.

Zelgadis' body is enhanced with the powers of the brau demon, giving him heightened physical attributes (strength/speed/etc). For this reapp round, the golem third will be extremely submissive, only rearing it's body-hardening-to-near-invulnerability qualities if he tries to cast a golem spell. It'll wear off, and leave him just...a blue, pointy-eared person without the rock face.

He is a sorcerer, as well. His strongest discipline is shamanism, the most powerful spell being the Ra Tilt, which attacks enemies from the astral plane (literally attacking their souls). He has nature-based spells and healing spells, too, but they're not his dominant.

Pick a Zel! Any Zel!

He logged with Prof. Membrane and you are jelis
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