what i'm buzzing to

Aug 03, 2004 18:21

just thought i'd give you all an insight into my current musical taste:

i think the killers' "somebody told me" is one of the best things i've heard in years. same goes for franz ferdinand's "take me out."

also, the new taking back sunday CD is one of the best CDs i've ever heard. don't agree? eat me.

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Comments 2

timelessrobot August 4 2004, 23:23:14 UTC
the rest of the killers "hot fuss" album is great- i'll burn you a copy if you'd like. also, heard of the shins?
"dumb lady. jesus christ. what the fuck."
i can't believe he hit a child in the head with the door...


utopiststars August 9 2004, 03:46:47 UTC
I love the TBS CD. Its so awesome.


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