Oct 06, 2010 23:34
[Lucrecia sounds a lot lighter than she feels.]
So I haven't seen any pitchforks or torches at my door. Just a... shadow. Haha.
Anyway, I was thinking that...
Well, this world is just--no, existence... existence is a funny thing. I...
[She's silent for a long time.]
Guess I didn't have anything to say after all. I'm, I'm sorry to bother you
just keep smiling,
my cursed stars,
omg people,
why scientists write drafts,
i'm so sorry,
all broken now,
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What did you do to him?
Tell me what you did.
Well, this... there...
[Anna sounds far beyond "you hurt my friend" angry. This sounds like... And combined with what Marco said... Shiva. Couples were the absolute worst to tangle with. She thought briefly of Hojo, feeling like it had been ages since she had seen him and just... wishing.]
I'm so sorry, Anna.
[So not answering you.]
Where are you?
[Anna will make her talk. She has never been this enraged in her life. But hey - at least she hasn't out of control shifted yet!]
I'm, ah...
[There is the slamming of a door and her feet clopping down a hallway.]
Still in my room, of course. Hiding from the world.
[Punishment, she will more than accept. But if someone's going to maim and kill her, she would rather it be Marco and not Anna the Tiger Girl. That just sounds... well, women can be brutal.]
Non - I just need to talk to you, mon amie.
[Anna doesn't want to kill her. She's been in the brig, and doesn't want to repeat the experience.
She DOES want to...talk to you, however. C'mon Lucy - you remember how docile Anna is :D]
I-I... think we should do this... sometime... when we're not so... emotionally... charged. Yes.
I am not emotionally charged.
[Uh huh. Now who is the liar? Either way, she's flying up those steps. Where you at, darling?]
A little hall and... the kitchen of El Mojito?]
Aha. Yes, it was movement. She comes in right behind the other woman, face iron. She advances.]
There you are. We need to talk.
Just... just stay away. Stay away!
[Oh, what is this??? Knives? A knife! Chef's knife. ... Seems a little harsh, but... hey, any second there could be an angry tiger in the room. She holds it up, brandishing it, ready to throw or stab if Anna comes any closer.]
Non - I have something to say to you.
[Obviously, Lucrecia does not trust anyone. Ever. For good reason, given the way she is. So... chef's knife versus potential tiger? Come on, this isn't as bad as her usual overkill strategies. For all her bluster, though, she begins to chicken out on the idea of stabbing someone, and half-heartedly flings the knife in Anna's general direction, not convinced if she wants to hit her or just ward her off.]
Hear that feral snarl, Lucrecia? That's Anna and all her rage, barreling at you, aiming to snag you by your shirt/coat/collar and slam you against a wall.]
She feels strange, too - she's not shifted, but she can feel her fingernails extending - claws are coming out (literally!), and they're digging into the woman she's holding.
Anna's pretty tiny too - she's five foot even, maybe 100 pounds soaking wet - but she's solid and strong. She jerks her forward, then slams her into the wall again, voice a hiss.]
Tell me what you did. In detail.
The claws pierce into her whever Anna's hands have landed, punching nothing vital but hurting like hell. Before long, adrenaline and pseudoendorphins are rushing in to numb the pain, twisting it into something bittersweet as Lucy's sane exterior cracks into a deep-seated masochism and psychotic counterphobia. Normally, there would tears, wracking sobs, and profuse apologies peppering broken sentences as she attempted to describe such acts. But the agony of this was too good to pass up. She winced, smiling brokenly as her eyes glazed then sharpened, her voice hoarse and whispering.]
I asked him to come with me, for drinks. You know, little innocent companionship. I asked him for help... and he helped. Oh, did he help ( ... )
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