Your Name: White Mage
Age: 25
iskodayinikwe Email: wise.serpents.harmless.doves[@]gmail dot com
IM: AIM crystalcatalyst1
Character Name: Dr. Lucrecia Crescent
Series: Final Fantasy VII
Timeline: After rejecting Vincent and before marrying Hojo.
Background: [Here is her
Wiki, though I've chosen to expound on her college career through the beginnings of the Jenova Project--the point I'm drawing her from--with headcanon/fanon detail to round out her motivations and add depth to her personality.]
Always excelling in school, due to the early encouragement of her veterinarian father, Lucrecia began college early, just after turning 17. Overjoyed to find biophysics as an undergraduate major, she combined her love of molecular movements and organisms into studying complex adaptive systems and connective planetary physiology. Her work, as well as her minors in anthropology, astronomy, and folklore, caught the eye of Dr. Grimoire Valentine, who offered to hire her on as a graduate assistant for his work in ancient WEAPONs.
While his own interest was turning from Omega and the relational defensive xenoforms to mako itself--he had accidentally stumbled on several helpful and profitable reserves of the stuff--Lucrecia fell in professional love with a side subject of Omega: Chaos. Her doctoral work became exclusively Chaos Theory, with enthusiastic encouragement from her mentor.
Her passion became more complicated as her attachment to the work became an attachment to Dr. Valentine, first as a father figure, then hinting at a possible romantic attraction. She never had a chance to explore her feelings, however, as by some random chance or careless mistake, a lab accident awakened Chaos. Grimoire shielded Lucrecia from the demon’s attack, dying as a result. Guilt and angst rose within her, and she took on the burden of responsibility for his death, though she worked hard to bury it, like all her sins, by forging ahead with her work.
The problem now was ShinRa considered her a liability. Unable to fire her, they shuffled her from department to department, keeping her in assistant positions where she had relatively small responsibilities and couldn’t cost them too much revenue. She fought the decisions, but the corporate world proved harsher than the academic, and she finally resigned herself to fate.
Fate included landing on the Jenova research team with Professor Gast and his own assistant, Dr. Hojo. The work was controversial even then, but Lucrecia welcomed the chance to do something more satisfying. Being on a lead team earned some of her respect back from those under her, and her past seemed truly behind her.
The only complication with all this, was in the Turk assigned to protect the team: Vincent Valentine, Grimoire's son. He and Lucrecia ended up in an awkward romance for a time, until he discovered that she had worked for his father, a fact she had, for the sake of her guilt, attempted to hide. Having the knowledge out in the open put a rift in the relationship for her, and she soon left him for her colleague, Professor Hojo, who's child she would some day be carrying.
Spoken / written languages: Lucrecia is fluent in Common, equivalent to our world's English, and can read and interpret written Ancient Cetrain/Cetran (the language of the Chronicles of Yore she referenced in Dirge of Cerberus), but cannot speak it.
Abilities: Lucrecia's range of abilities is mostly limited to her sharp mind: biophysics, medical science as related to biotechnology and first aid (scientific research is dangerous!), materia engineering, and basic potion making. These, of course, are based in the knowledge of her homeworld, and--particularly in the area of potions and materia--their use would be contingent on parallels being found on board, meaning she would likely lack very immediate solutions, needing laborious research and experimentation to find a solution. She has a high level of reading comprehension and many critical thinking skills, so she can learn academic subjects quickly, but her "soft" people skills are not always the best, leaving her sometimes awkward in social situations, despite a bright smile and polite demeanor.
Items: Nothing but the clothing on her back.
Third Person Sample: Lucrecia stood before the cage, wrinkling her nose. She had avoided this task as long as she could, but there were only so many write-ups to review, only so many technicians to check in with, and only so much of her day she could spend in tangential pursuits.
With a sigh, she gingerly slid the small rodent’s corpse out on to her carted tray, wheeling the specimen to the adjoining room to work. Hojo always considered her practice of dissecting in empty rooms inefficient--just slice it open where it died!--but Lucrecia always felt creepily nervous performing an autopsy for an audience of the subject’s former comrades. She always imagined the beady little eyes staring at her, judging her, finding her to be a wicked murderer of their kind.
She snapped on her gloves with a frown, brushing away her bangs to adjust her goggles before flipping on a voice recorder. “Project: J trials. Subject B4CD3. Autopsy by Crescent. Date--” just as she glanced down at her watch, she heard a scream from the hallway.
Flinging goggles and gloves, Lucrecia burst out the door when she was nearly mowed down by a coeurl barreling at her from the main lab. Two bleeding techs followed it cautiously. “Dr. Crescent!”
Sheer panic brought Lucrecia to flatten herself against the wall, eyes wide. The creature halted, turning to stare her down with glowing green eyes. How much mako had they given the damn thing? Did they not read the directives? It wasn’t supposed to be this aggressive with a standard maintenance dose.
“James…” She was shaking with fear, but years of unusual field experience and standing up to the old boys’ club of stuffy academics lent her a firm voice. “fetch one of the shoulder cuts from the food supply locker. Desiene? 15cc’s tranquilizer cocktail: there should be pre-filled cartridges and a dart gun in the rat room.”
Desiene sped off immediately, but James hesitated. “Shouldn’t we… call the Turk, Doctor?”
Lucrecia glared at him: after the heart-wrenching, all-too-public break-up they had recently, Vincent’s face was the last she wanted to see. Where was Hojo? “His presence would be unnecessary if you’d get a move on…. Please.” Her tone was strained and harsh, watching the coeurl baring its teeth as it inched forward. She winced at her words, throwing a particularly sweet inflection on the final syllable to cover her frustrated distress.
Her gaze steeled on the surface as she maintained eye contact with the beast who now seemed to be calmly studying her in the same manner she was studying it. An underlying schema sorted options for her, depending on what happened next: the arrival of meat, the arrival of the tranq gun, or an attack. Either of the first two would be infinitely more usual for her self-preservation, she surmised, though food--a distraction--might be most appropriate, as it would buy them time to line up a shot.
Lucrecia’s mind snapped to as a dart sailed by, finding a home in the coeurl’s hip. The creature howled, then anticlimactically slumped over at the doctor’s feet. She let out a breath, leaving the technicians with directives for moving the specimen to a securing hold before retreating to her office, her previous work forgotten in a jangle of nerves and introspection. Another day, another face of death smiling at her then passing by.
Shutting the door behind her, she slid down varnished wood until she bumped tile, slumping over as she allowed herself a few silent, private tears, cursing bitterly how her luck could bring her from chasing gods to babysitting wild animals. Scientific research was all she knew, where she wanted to be, but this was nowhere near what she had imagined. Her only hope out of this, she reasoned, was if Dr. Hojo kept his promise to make her a central member of the new project team. “A second chance at the lofty heavens.” She mused to herself.
First Person Sample: Now this is relatively interesting. I know it’s long been suspected--well, by more… fringe researchers, granted--that there were alternate dimensions. But to actually be here, see one, it’s… it’s amazing. Utterly wondrous, disconcerting, and mentally expansive at once.
I must confess, I naturally assumed the multiverse was--mm--based on our universe: the Gaian reality. This, of course, would mean any alternate realities would simply be the same planet, same constructs, same populations, just… different choices? Different equations--no! Differing variables for the same equations.
What I have before me seems positively nothing like that. Unless… unless, for some reason this is some version of Gaia, but for some reason, I have chosen life aboard a… cruise ship. … With no personal effects. Hrm.
No, that makes no sense. And there is… a different feel to the air. I have spent time on boats. I schooled in Junon: the air was salty, yes, and heavy with moisture, but not the same as this. Not only that, but the sky is disturbingly blue: there was a slightly green cast to the horizon at home. Very subtle, but a defining characteristic, I’d warrant.
So what is this place? An entirely separate world? Some dimension far removed from my own, far more than simply a divergent timeline within the theoretic quantum biosystem that comprises our so-called normal existence.
Normal existence. I fear I misspeak now as it has dawned on me that for any… aboriginal inhabitants to this… place… this is normal existence.
My mind is understandably ablaze with possibility. Such a unique opportunity! I am torn, as I realize that on Gaia, the project cannot go on without me, but the exploration potentials here demand my attentions. Besides, there is always the matter of time compression and fluctuation: perhaps I could spend a hundred years here and return to whence I came having not been gone a nanosecond? I will assume this to be so until I know otherwise, as it eases my anxiety. And excitement replaces it! Excitement I haven’t felt since… oh, gods, let’s just say it’s been a long time.
Off I go, to unlock the mysteries of this world!
Preferred Quarters: Oh, surprise her!