Title: Of Fruitful Endeavours
AlisanneChallenge: Written for the 2016 Spring
intoabar Challenge. Prompt: Draco Malfoy walks into a bar and meets…Ichabod Crane (Sleepy Hollow, TV).
Fandoms: Harry Potter, Sleepy Hollow.
Word Count: ~2200
Rating/Contents: PG; Nothing to warn for.
Characters: Draco Malfoy, Ichabod Crane, (Harry Potter/Draco Malfoy).
Summary: Draco runs into someone who gives him a new perspective on life and love.
Author’s notes: Contains spoilers for the season finale of Sleepy Hollow (for those who may not have watched it yet).
*Ichabod pronounces the word lieutenant as 'lefttenant'.
Thanks to my betas,
sevfan and
emynn for looking this over for me.
And, as always, nothing you recognize is mine.
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