Here some info and stats on my dear Emopants that I will work on in a fairly on and off basis. Feel free to peruse!
General Info
Full name: Riku. No last name, just Riku.
Name they go by: Riku
Aliases: The hero of darkness, the impostor, the gadfly, the biggest Nobody... lmao 358/2 gives him many fun names y/y
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Marital status: Singleeeee
Birthdate: idk, somewhere in the fall
Birthplace: Destiny Islands
Bloodtype: A
Dominant Hand: Fairly ambidextrous, but stronger in the right hand.
Eyesight: Really, really good
Height: 5'8 (173 cm)
Weight: 150 lb (68 kilos)
Eyes: Sea green
Hair: Silver
Skin: On the light side, a little golden.
Other facial features: ... he's got... a nose...?
Physical traits: Long and built, but not bulky, he's a good looking kid with a bad boy air. Chicks and their mothers (and their brothers and their fathers) dig Riku.
Medical Info: Healthy? IDK, haven't seen him cough once.
Dress (style, colors): Generally, he wears black when he's incognito, blue and yellow when he isn't. His style is casual teenage boy, leaning towards fashionable, meaning lots of jeans and button/zip up shirts and sneakers. He doesn't put too much effort into it, but he isn't disreputable looking either.
Personality Traits
Basic nature: Good, reserved, slightly dorky, very responsible, extremely independent, extremely protective.
MannerismsTends to stick a hand in his pocket when he walks or runs to keep his pants up.
Body Language: Slouchy. Kinda broody. Bad-boy air, like I said. He's got a quiet, mildly watchful air to everything he does. Doesn't smile a lot. Definitely not the approachable type. This all changes when he's around his closest friends, though... he's a lot warmer and can take enthusiastic hugs like a man.
Dominant character traits: Responsible, reliable, independent, stubborn.
Likeable traits: All of the above (stubborn can be good!), plus devoted his friends. A good leader, smart and efficient. Sticks to his words to the letter. Can be funny. Learns quickly.
Annoying traits: He's aloof and emo. Can be harsh. Doesn't sugar coat his words ever. Very, very mean and possessive sometimes. Pessimistic. Stubborn.
Laugh: Quiet and surprising, but expect to hear it more often around Sora.
Sense of humour: Wry, a little self-effacing. He teases Sora and Kairi when the opportunities come up. Sora can make him laugh like it's nothing. It's kind of amazing.
Temper: Steady, if a little sullen and emo.
Ambitions: Getting Sora, Kairi, and his friends back home and safe. If he fixes all of the mistakes he's made on the way, that's just the icing on the cake.
Philosophy of life: The light will never give up on him, so there is nothing to fear in the dark.
MBTI: INTJ. He used to be an ESTJ, and he's working on being an INFJ for Sora's sake. He's getting there. Sort of.
Alignment: Neutral Good
Arcana: Right now, he's the Hanged Man, but if I play him post-KHII, he's Judgement.
Introvert/extrovert: Introvert. He used to be pretty extroverted, but he's lost a lot of confidence and comfort in large groups over time.
Intuitive/reasoning: Intuitive. He's learned to believe in Disney magic. The hard way.
Optimist/pessimist: Pessimist. He's always intensely aware that he's been used and is constantly afraid of being expendable.
Tense/relaxed: Tense. =| He probably gets a lot of headaches.
Serious/carefree: Serious, most of the time. He knows how to be carefree, but he's not as good at it as Sora is.
Skills - Interests - Habits
Abilities: He's a Keyblade wielder, which means he can summon a giant key with his heart (the one he's brought with him to Verity is called Way to the Dawn) and whack things with it. It works as both a blunt bludgeoning object and a sword. I have no idea how don't ask me lmao. He can also open most conventional locks with it. While in Verity, he also has access to three important combat abilities - Dark Firaga, a fire ability made of fire and darkness and explosion and hurting; Dark Shield, a shield that seems to imbue anything that touches it with a jolt of kinetic energy - basically, if you touch it, you go flying several meters away; and Eternal Session, an ability that can he can only activate with Sora that is basically
ouch incarnate. Accompanying all that is his teleportation ability - he can teleport short distances, attack, and disappear within moments. He also has a heightened sense of smell, especially if you smell like darkness or evil - Riku can track you across a football field if you're monumentally bad and can fight you with his eyes covered if you're not. He's just that good.
Also, he can cut through freaking skyscrapers. Skyscrapers.
(1:40 for the good part) He's pretty superpowered.
Talents:lmao a lot. ='D He can pick up on the mechanics of anything pretty easily - give him something mechanical or a theory to figure out and he'll have it solved and applicable within seconds. He's not too good at teaching, but he's definitely
Current Residence(s): Verity camp, cabin #7. He sleeps on the ground.
Typical Daily Routine: Wakes up, goes out to exercise or train or something. Eats, showers before or after that. Takes a walk. Gets hijacked by friends at some point. Eats once or twice within getting hijacked by friends. Washes up. I can see him reading or something before he sleeps.
Favorite Haunts: Being alone, maybe up against a tree... or up a tree. Open clearings where he can practice fighting.
Does he/she make his/her own bed?: Yeah.
Favourite food: Don't know. Probably the Destiny Island equivalent of pizza, or something suitably snacky or junky.
Favourite colour: Blue
Favourite movies: The ones with Mickey in Umm he'd probably like... idk action movies or something, although I could also see him digging flicks like Mystic River or Road to Perdition.
Favourite books: Dunno. =| I could see him going through the classics, just because.
Favourite music: Rock. Maybe some hip-hop (i mean... the pants, just look at them), but it's mostly rock.
Favourite animal: DOLPHINS... nah, dogs, he definitely likes dogs. and mice haha
Favourite weather: Definitely no raining or storming. Bright days, somewhat overcast.
Favourite sport/physical activity: It used to be fighting, but... I can't see him enjoying that as much anymore. He probably can kick decent ass at blitzball, and I can see him being pretty darn good at basketball.
Favourite date spot: Bzuh? Doing something, definitely. He is so not dinner and a movie. Maybe a hike?
Preferred type: He is really Sora and Kairi sexual, so if you could somehow find someone who's a mash of those two, you'd have his type.
Best subject: Science. Biology, most likely, though he'd probably pick up Chemistry pretty quickly as well.
Disliked food: ... Candy, maybe? IDK he's a boy he probably eats everything lmao
Disliked colour: uhhh... like, puce or something. =| Neon colors aren't really good for him either.
Disliked movies: He gets uncomfortable watching the Manchurian Candidate, and I'm sticking to that.
Disliked books: The Heart of Darkness sucks.
Disliked music: Twangy girly shit. Anything too repetitive would annoy him, so Lady Gaga would definitely be out. Most clubbing music would be out too.
Disliked animal: Heartless =|
Disliked weather: Dark and stormy nights.
Disliked sport/physical activity: Fighting. =|
Disliked date spot: A night at his place unless he's playing a video game or something. =| He needs to be doing something, really. He's really kinesthetic.
Disliked type: Controlling, needy types. =| He used to be one, and he knows it's super bad.
Worst subject: Probably some of the more boring parts of history.
Description of bedroom: Neat, everything's in its place. It's definitely not OCD though; he doesn't fold up his sheets perfectly and he usually dumps his bag on the ground when he gets home, but it's usually in the same place and out of the way.
Scents (shampoo/cologne/lotion/etc.): Regular, generic brand soap with a touch of boysmell and outdoors. And darkness. =(
Kinsey rating: No idea. 2-3ish.
Spends money on: hairties Food, maybe gifts for his friends.
Daily rituals: I can see him going slightly nutty without a morning run.
Random trivia: He can see through his fringe just fine. No one believes him.
Currently wants: To get out of Verity. Alternatively, Mikhail's head on a spear.
Current occupation: Should be a student, but right now, he's a hired mercenary... working for himself... mostly... lol
Marital status: Single
Current Residence: Verity, Cabin #7, cupboard under the stairs
Sun sign: IDEK okay, i'll probably do this section later
Moon sign:
Rising sign:
Love interest(s): uh
Lust interest(s): uh
Close friends: Sora, Kairi (and Naminé by extension and personally), King Mickey
Other friends: Tidus, Wakka, Selphie
Acquaintances: Just about everyone else Sora drags him to meet.
Enemies and why: ANSEM. FFFFF. Xemnas. The Organization in general. Maleficent. Basically, anyone out to hurt or manipulate him or his friends are on his shit list.
Family: I've implied he has a mom, but I'm pretty sure he has a dad, too. If he's got siblings, he's probably the eldest, but he's always given off a single child vibe to me.
Entertainment of choice:
Musical talents:
Educational background:
What is your earliest memory?
What was your biggest disillusion as a child?
What's one thing no one knows about you?
What's one thing everyone assumes about you that isn't true?
What's one thing you wish you could stop?
What's one thing you've always wanted to do, but never have?
What are you a sucker for?
What's your biggest pet peeve?
What is your most prized possession?
What can absolutely make your day, no matter what?
What's the worst part of your life right now?
Do you have or want children?
If/when you ever have children, what is one thing you absolutely want to teach them?
What was the worst advice your father ever gave you? The best?
When did you feel you'd finally 'come of age?'
How do you feel about sex?
Describe your ideal significant other.
How do you deal with depression, stress or sadness?
How do you think of yourself?
How do your friends think of you?
How do your enemies think of you?
Who is your biggest role model?
What is your biggest accomplishment to date?
What has been your most humbling experience to date?
What will it take for you to die happy?
What would you rather be doing right now?
What's Okay To Mention Around Him/Her: Umm... his friends in a non-threatening manner? He doesn't mind being talked to, but you're likely to get the short, conversation-ending answer unless you're a friend of his. If you mention the darkness in a positive light, he leaves. Period.
Abilities: Main Abilities - Dark Firaga, Dark Shield, Eternal Session; Secondary Abilities - Enhanced sense of smell and sight (particularly in/of the dark), teleportation at short distances, self-taught unarmed combat, subterfuge; Other abilities - Good judge of character, particularly considerate when it comes to his friends, good leader, experienced in kidnappings.
Notes for the Psychics/Magically or Spiritually sensitive: He sort of smells like/gives off an aura of darkness. Private like whoa. Touchy if you try to read or control his mind, but he can't stop you beyond a punch to the face.
Can I spit at/step on/etc?: If you're planning to explain yourself, then face the consequences, sure. The consequences might involve a good beating, but that depends on your explanation. On the other hand, spit at/step on/etc one of his friends and you die right there and then.
Hugging/kissing/other non-violent physical contact: Uhhh... unless you are Sora, Kairi, Mickey, or his mom, he'd prefer if you didn't. You can, of course; he won't kill you or anything.
Maim/Murder/Death: Please ask me first. He generally doesn't like the idea of dying, but I might. =)
Cooking: He can, but only things that you can whip up on the move. Nothing too fancy.